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    ......Well.........I continue to enjoy reading everyone's stories here
    because I can relate to so many of them, and I keep thinking that I
    should contribute something once in a while.. I feel that my journey
    through this was much easier than most and because of my older age
    I can't complain about being cheated out of my best years because I
    had already lived them. So this is the best I can offer.
    ...... Here I am....... Helen's been gone for two years and eight months
    and the memories of our 67 years together seem no more than a
    happy dream, and I've written so many stories about them, but now
    I'd like to tell a story about what I did yesterday.

    ..... All by myself.......Just me and the cat........No need to get dressed
    up, I've been wearing what they call pull up pants with elastic waste
    band. For three years I've been wearing two of them, and they were
    getting full of holes so I decided I would go down to the Target store
    all by myself and see what I could do about it......( I believe in
    pushing myself as much as possible to do what I can because if I
    don't do it, I'll soon loose the ability to do it).
    .....I walk with a cane and it's pretty slow. More like hobbling than
    walking, so it took me a while to hobble back to the men's clothing
    area and on the way, I passed the women's clothing and noticed a
    middle aged lady in an area where the mannequins were all
    displaying sexy lingerie and I said to her, "Wow....I'll bet you would
    really look good in one of those outfits"......She turned to me and
    scornfully said. "Are you trying to flirt with me?" I told her I was
    doing the best I could for a 93 year old man. She laughed and told
    me she was looking there not for herself but as a gift for a friend.
    .....In the men's clothing section I couldn't believe how many
    different kinds of pants were on display, and I don't think I could
    ever have found what I was looking for without the help of other
    shoppers, Especially a little high-school girl and her boyfriend who
    were looking to find something for him to were at the school dance.
    .....In front of me at the check-out stand was a mother and daughter
    with a big heavy box in their cart and they were trying to lift it onto
    the counter. I wanted to help them and told them so, but they took
    one look at me and said, "No thanks". I asked what was in the box
    and they said that it was pots and pans and that the daughter was just
    recently married and starting a home of her own. I told them that I
    had pots and pans galore that I had no use for and they were
    welcome to come by and pick them up. The daughter thanked me
    but said she wanted everything to be new.
    .....As I was hobbling across the parking lot to my car, a man came
    up alongside me and said something like, "I sure hope I can do as
    well as you when I get to be your age," and then asked me how old I
    was. We talked as he followed me to my car and I found out that he
    was twenty years younger than I and his wife had recently died of
    cancer and that he lived only two blocks from me. He saw that I
    didn't need any help and as he turned to walk away, I called him
    back and told him I had something more to say to him. I basically
    told him this..........
    ....."I'm not going to tell you that you are a kind and caring person
    because you cannot help but already know that. I know that the
    reason you spoke to me was that you thought I might need some
    help. I also know that in spite of loosing your dear wife you are a
    happy guy," Then I gave him my favorite Emerson quote............
    "Happiness is a perfume. You cannot pour it on others without
    getting some on yourself".

    .....So that's what I did yesterday.... Through it all I was trying to do
    as my dear Helen always did...........Talk to people........ What did I
    do today?......Not very much but at least I wrote this story...
    ..................Sorry it's so long.......Old GeorgieBoy
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2015 edited

    Have I told you lately that I love you? You are a wise, kind, caring, sweet man. Every time you write on this board, you inspire us, teach us something, make us feel happy, and enrich our lives. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2015
    Loved what you said to the lady that you were flirting with her.

    Keep on doing whatever gives you joy and fun!
    Thank you, George.
    You are quite a man, George! Love you, love your posts - keep 'em coming!
    Keep going-we love you.
    • CommentAuthorMoon*
    • CommentTimeApr 26th 2015

    Always great hearing from you. Yesterday sounds like an eventful day spreading
    your joy to all those lucky people that crossed your path.

    I love reading your posts. Stay well.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeApr 26th 2015
    Good to see you out and about my friend. So did you buy the pants? Then you have to go back some time.
    I loved your post, George.
    Thank you, George....That was a lovely story from a lovely man!
    ....I want to thank everyone for their kind comments, but please take it
    easy or you'll give me the big head again. As I've said before, I'm not
    a great writer or a great thinker, I'm only putting into words, things
    that have happened to me, none of which I have any control over.
    .....Yes, Wolf, I bought two pair and they should last me three years
    before I have to visit Target again. Pull-up pants are really great for me.
    I wear them with a T-shirt night and day......... It's so easy.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeApr 26th 2015
    George, you are priceless!! :)

    So happy to read another post from you. You are a delightful gentleman. Your positive attitude shines through and
    Brings a smile to my face.

    Please keep posting. Stay well and happy.