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    I wanted to share a product the nursing home I visited told me about. It is called Urine Remover and is made by Clorox. I got mine at Lowe's in the air freshner aisle. It is in a black plastic bottle with a spray nozzle. I believe it was $4.99 and they have a large refill bottle for 9.99. It says you can spray it on furniture and carpet but I haven't done that. It really does take the odor out. I spray it on the floor around the toilet. I also purchased a candle by Yankee Candle company called Good Air. It also comes in one of those plug ins as well. It has also helped. The spray leaves the floor a little sticky but as soon as I mop around the base the smell comes back. I can live with sticky. Thanks for all your help.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 22nd 2015
    Have you tried the enzymes that you can buy for pet urine?