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    Buy a pretty chain and wear it around your neck!
    I might do that Vickie. My daughter read somewhere about having the ring welded to a picture frame that holds his picture.
    Dazed, I still like to wear my wedding band. I did something a bit different with Dado's. He was cremated, and the high school in his hometown of Hana Maui made an amazing solid Koa box for his ashes. They even carved in a coconut tree to represent me, as Coconut Patty is my handle. I put his wedding band in the box, and he was buried alongside his Mom who died 4 years ago, and his Dad who passed in 1955 when Dado was just 7 years old. They are all buried in one site, and these were his wishes. So though I will not be buried with him, at least we have the symbol of our marriage in there... and me, the coconut tree. Oh how I miss him....hugs to you Dazed you will need a lot of them.
    • CommentAuthorcassie*
    • CommentTimeMay 1st 2015
    Dazed, could you wear his on your right hand?
    So pleased that you kept wearing yours, I couldn't imagine removing mine.
    Coco, the Koa box sounds so special. Cassie, I can't imagine taking mine off either. I don't know why I'm concerned about the rings with so many other things to take care of. Maybe it's part of trying to find closure and realize I'm not married anymore. Could someone tell me how to add the star to my name?
    • CommentAuthormariposa
    • CommentTimeMay 4th 2015
    Be well, Dazed. I hope you join us here too - thank you for all your input over time: it really helped a lot of us. I wish you peace & ease.
    I am just catching up again..I am sorry to read your news. I was surprised like you when my uncle went down so fast and my aunt just as you described. My mom was a longer road and my husband's passing was sudden..
    We think we are prepared but when the day come, it is still a shock.
    I hope you are able to get some rest. And do go to the widow widowers group as they have lots of support for those of us who have set forth on this new journey. It will be 2 years in August for me. Still seems like yesterday..
    I see the question of wearing the wedding ring is mentioned. I wear mine and I am not taking it off. I have debated on what to do with his and mine. I love his as it is and mine too but I still have not come up with a design I like well enough to meld them together.
    I hope you are getting rest now, you need it. It is odd how we don't realize it until our hard labor of caregiving is done. Some of us have just physically fallen apart. My muscles are so tense it is like giving a massage to the floor, and there are joint and back issues. If you find you have aches and pains, see your doctor and get a name of a good massage therapist to help work out those kinks..Wish I had a year ago but better late than never. Some days I still feel like a haunted house and on others I feel much better. It just comes in waves is all I can think.
    Blessing to you and your family.
    Dazed, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I just pop in now and then to see how all of you are doing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Be good to yourself.
