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    My husband is having a procedure done in the hospital in 2 weeks and will most likely have to stay there for several days. Debating how soon and how much to tell him. He has limited ability to understand and no short them memory but I don't know if I should wait until the day of the procedure to tell him or if I should try to prepare him for what is going to happen.
    I would wait until the day of the procedure. He won't remember if you tell him earlier or he may obsess over it.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeApr 3rd 2015
    I would wait, too. Neither of you gains anything by giving him advance notice.
    I agree...wait! My dh became much like a three year old. He only remembered the event. He would ask 1000 times when it was again, was I ready to go (no...not for another week!), did he need to get cleaned up yet (no...appt is not for another week!) etc etc etc. I finally started telling him just as we were starting the preparations to get ready...the day of! It just caused frustration for me and anxiety for him to inform him any earlier.
    Same advice here. If I told my DH ahead of time, he would start getting ready right then. Even now in late stage, if I tell him I'm going in the kitchen to fix supper, he thinks it's time to eat right now.