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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2015
    Hi all.
    I've been sitting back just reading but no postings. Things are going along as usual for me and my DH. He is off again on again all over. He just doesn't know what to do. One minute he loves me and want me close the next he asks me if I want to divorce him and build my life somewhere else.
    One minute he wants to come home for visits on Wednesday for the day and Saturday staying over until Sunday. The next thing is "I don't want to do that, i don't know what I want."
    I have had to stop the family from taking him out to big restaurants and to eat at the residence with him as it just upsets him. He would rant at me about their choice of restaurants then he got upset when I stopped that.
    He can no longer make a choice off a menu so I choose something for me that I know he will like and he says" me too"
    I'm eating quite a few meals that I am not to fond of, but oh well,that's my life now.
    He has a new Doctor tomorrow and he has training in neuroscience. Just a young fellow.
    The agressive behaviour has lessened and he is taking part in more activities but he still sleeps during the day. Sometimes he goes back to bed at 09:00 and sleeps until 11:30, then again from 13:00 to 16:00. Other days he is active but there are more sleep days then active days.
    I was calling his room at 08:00 to say good morning but now he said not to do that as it irritates him. Now I wait for him to call.
    He gets upset if the children disrupt his activity time so now all visits have to be booked through me.
    Do you think he is acting spoiled? Maybe, but I think it is the devil disease.
    What about me? Well I am knitting again, a friend came and stayed for a few days, I have joined a church group. I am thinking about volunteering to do the tours at his LTC as that is just for a few hours every Wednesday and I think it will help. Summer may be here soon and I have bought some patio chairs for Willy and I and I have an umbrella. I want to get two tomato plants for the patio. One regular size tomatos and one cherry tomato. Also I think a pot of petunia's. I love the smell. I am asking the condo board if I can plant a rose bush ir two along the fence. They smell lovely.
    I have to add a little fence and a gate to my patio as my Yorkie can slip through the fence and be gone.

    That's my update. I am doing much better and am trying to move on. I went to a movie last week. I saw Cinderella. It was lovely and I think I will look for another good movie soon.


    HI Jazzy it is good to hear from you. I am sorry for all your troubles of course, but am glad for your roses and Yorkie and tomatoes to come.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2015
    Ditto what Coco said. Good to hear you are having a life outside of dementia. I agree on loving the smell of roses and petunias.
    Mmmmm…..roses and Cinderella. And a cute little dog. So nice.
    So good to hear from you Jazzy.
    We have shared how our husbands have the same type of dementia.
    You could be writing my story of the erratic behavior of our husbands.
    I do not believe your husband is acting spoiled. I think it is the disease. Horrible, disease that it is.
    I found myself smiling of your lovely descriptors of your patio and activities you are engaging in.
    It is a hard road for all of us and so great we have this site and each other.