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    Oh Marsh, I'm so sorry for your loss. And you betcha your wife would want you to go on that cruise! I know I would have wanted my husband to do it.

    Blessings to you,
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeMay 2nd 2015
    Marsh, I am so sorry for your loss. Her passing sounds very peaceful, which is a blessing to you and your family.

    Like all the others, I agree that your wife would want you to go on that cruise!
    • CommentAuthormariposa
    • CommentTimeMay 4th 2015 edited
    I believe she wanted you to go on that cruise, too. I am sorry for your loss.Thank you for all you have shared over time. Peace and ease to you.
    Oh, Marsh, I send hugs to you. I am so sorry you have lost your sweet wife. How blessed you and your daughter were to have been with her at the last. It surely was a comfort to your wife and you as well.
    I am glad you were able to get away for a breath and a chance to be with your family on a cruise. I hope you can now get the rest you badly need. We are all here to help you along this new and uncharted journey. You were a wonderful caregiver and example to all of us.
    Marsh, I am so sorry. I come back occasionally to see how everybody is doing and sadly, there has frequently been a loss. Take care of yourself as well as you took care of your wife.

    • CommentAuthorSherizeee
    • CommentTimeMay 13th 2015 edited
    Marsh- I am so sorry for your loss Please take care of yourself I also believe the timing was meant to be.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2015
    Marsh, just read this. My thoughts are with you.. it has been a VERY LONG HAUL for you since you first stopped trying to get pantyhose on her! !-)
    Love, Clare
    Marsh - my deepest sympathy.. and wish I could give you a big hug! I feel like you're a long time friend... since I first joined this unique club. We have so many memories of you., and like Briegull, I will never forget when you first asked all of us for suggestions how to put panty hose on your wife. I believe we said in "unison'.. YOU DON'T. Goodness gracious! What a dear man you were, keeping your wife dressed in her style and manner.

    Our journeys are ended, but there is life in the future if you take good care of yourself. Get back with my other good buddy, Gourdchipper, and take that challenge he proposed. Again .. know how sorry I am for the loss of your dear wife.. You were a wonderful husband and should have no regrets!
    I believe I joined this site in 2008 and I believe Marsh was here then. Curious to know, Marsh, when you first joined ... (Joan/Administrator?? Can you look this up?) I want to say Marsh was here before me. These journeys can either be short or very, very long. I learned so much and received so much help and encouragement from this site. Carpe Diem.
    Oh Nancy-thanks for bringing up the panty hose. In those early days we actually did have some moments of laughter. Remember the Dirty Dozen?
    And I remember sunshyne -- she was a lot of fun too, sometimes, and a great researcher.
    Wonder how Sunshyne is?? I always loved her posts - and the posts of all the 'dirty dozen'.
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2015
    Nancy B., Marsh's bio says he joined Feb 17th 2008 .
    Vickie, I believe sunshyne is still lurking under a different name -- she posted condolences to someone recently. But I surely would like to know how her situation is working out.
    Thanks, G.C. I joined in Oct. 2008 - I would also like to know how she is.
    Me too, about Sunshyne. She was so much help to me when I first joined along with Joan, Bluedaze, Divvi and several others.
    Do we actually miss those 'good old days'?