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    Are weekends especially hard for anyone else? DH is in early stage 7, and sleeps most of the time. Through the week, it seems I'm in contact with people, talking with friends on the phone and doing everyday things but on weekends when everybody else is spending time with their families, I really feel disconnected, isolated and a bit teary. How do most of you spend your weekends if your DH is still home but not able to do anything?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 15th 2015
    My weekdays and weekends are the same - no change except what is on TV
    My husband is in long term care. I spend my weekends cleaning my condo and I have a little job from home that I can do. Some times I visit him on Saturdays or Sunday's but do not stay very long as he just rambles nonsensical things. I also attend church and today I went to see Cinderella with my granddaughter. Watch a lot of TV and spend time on my I pad.
    I understand Dazed . I also find weekends more difficult. I think it is that old feeling that the weekend was a special time to do things together.

    My DH is in ALF. Weekends are so lonely.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2015
    Ditto Charlotte...everyday is the same.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMar 16th 2015
    So far at least, the days just blend into each other.....
    Hi Dazed,
    I found the weekends harder when Gord was alive because I knew that other people were out doing things and we were so limited. Since he has been gone, I still make sure that I have plans for at least a part of each day for the same reason. I just joined a gym to strengthen my body and perhaps my mind and to meet more people.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 18th 2015
    the stigma always seems to prevail, weekends are for downtime with family, doing things together .. relaxing and away from the daily grind. except in our lives everyday including weekends are the daily grind so no away time. even in widowhood weekends are especially hard seeing everyone in couples. (sigh)
    So true, divvi*. The weekends are still the hardest for me. I hope for this to end sooner than later!