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Vanilla 1.1.2 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    I've not seen much about these on here. M DH has been incontinent over a year now, and his bottom is getting in poor shape. I have not been changing him at night, because he is so aggravating. He refuses to let me in the daytime! So I tried Texas caths, and yes it it working. My question, how long can you leave it on. Does it need to be changed qd? I am RN but didn't deal with them much.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2015
    I know there have been discussions about them before. those that have used the I am sure will be along.
    I dent find anything wen I searched
    If you highlight then click on the above it should come right up. I just tried it and it worked. Anyway-condom should be changed daily or at least every two day.
    Thanks for your help. I finally got one to work, second try.
    If I remenber correctly you should remove it and clean him at least 2 times a day. I would change the condom part every time you clean him up. It will cause a rash if you do not. also it will build up and hold heat from his body. they do work wonders as long as he cannot pull it off.