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    • CommentAuthorhlhh
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2015
    My husband has AD, diagnosed almost a year and a half, but looking back I think he had it since about 6 or more years. I guess I was in denial. Blaming first on medications then on cataracts.(people do strange things when they don't see so well, sometimes)
    A big problem here is we have a son living with us who fits the profile of Asbergers to a t, but wont go to a doctor. The hughe problem is he & my husband don't get along at all. I can't remove my son because he is my biggest helper. I don't know what I'd do without him. But they fight all the time. I have 2 questions. 1. My h acts more concerned with my well being than ever before. This seems so contradictive as he is also so self consumed. But he tells me I work too hard and have to help him so much. Is this normal for his condition? (He was a top notch machinist but now he can't do much of anything. no reasoning power at all-puts his clothes on backwards, has problem shaving, etc has gotten lost twice)
    Other question, has anyone here tried things that I've been reading about to cure AD, like Turmeric and coconut oil? Some writings sound hopeful and it's certainly easy to do. We are trying this, just wondering if anyone else has and results.
    Thanks for listening
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2015
    hlhh,my husband was much more concerned about me after the AZ started. Maybe they worry we won't be here to care for them.He tried to help me with household chores and would always be telling me to rest.While our Son is married and didn't live with us it seems they could not get along,some say this is normal with father and son at a certain stage of their life.Now our Son is more understanding of all the weird actions DH takes.Hope things get better for you,it is a long ,hard road.I am 15 years in to it.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2015
    hlhh, welcome. My husband has FTD, not AD so with that type of dementia they are always more self-absorbed rather than worrying about anyone else.

    There are many threads on this site about the use of Coconut oil and other "natural" substances, so you might want to search for those topics. Although some have had promising results in increasing cognition, it is my understanding that neither coconut oil or turmeric are "cures" for AD. Sadly, there are no cures at this time.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2015 edited
    Hi hlhh, Welcome to this site.

    I don't know whether it's normal for an AD patient to become concerned about his spouse's welfare. My husband was always concerned about my welfare and he continued to be that way after showing signs of AD. Even now that his disease is well along, he is considerate of me to the extent is able. Unless your husband's new concern for you is causing him some distress, I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe just thank him for thinking about you and assure him that you're all right.

    I tried turmeric and later, some supplements that were prepared by a medical researcher. They were supposed to reduce brain inflammation or some damn thing. None of it worked. I have not heard of any treatment that is effective, including, IMO, the prescription drugs that are touted as being treatments, and which did not help him. Believe me, I would have tried ANYTHING to get my husband back.

    Please give yourself a break. Just because you did not correctly diagnose you husband at first does not mean you were "in denial." Few of us have perfect dementia-detectors and we all see things in hindsight that we would not have recognized as symptoms early on. Anyhow, since there is no effective treatment, what difference does it make?