I know some of you have spouses who use wheelchairs and wonder if anyone has recommendations for a lightweight folding wheelchair that I can put in my trunk? I don't want a transfer chair, with the small wheels, but I want a light sturdy chair, as I am only 5'2" and 120 my dh is 6' and 220 but doesn't need a wide seat. (If any of that helps)
here's the one I ordered from amazon at $124. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NQAJVZG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
If the link doesn't work go to amazon.com Invacare Veranda Manual wheelchair (20"x16" desk length arms and elevating legs) has worked for us. Always check amazon they are always MUCH cheaper than your medial care DME providers. But of curse you probably won't get reimbursed by your med ins if you don't use their DME providers.