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    • CommentAuthordellmc53
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2015
    I am new to this website and have read many different posts. I have seen many abbreviations DH for example but I do not know what they mean. Is there a reference somewhere? Most people seem to know what the other people are saying but I have been sort of confused about it. Thanks
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2015

    that is the link or you can go to the homepage, scroll almost to the bottom.

    DH means different things to people. For me it is dear husband. Some will use SIL to mean son-in-law while others sister-in-law.
    DS usually means dear son.
    • CommentAuthordellmc53
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2015
    Thank you Charlotte.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2015
    If someone uses one you don't get just ask. Everyone will be happy to help out. Welcome aboard. We call this the club nobody wants to join.
    Welcome dellmc53! Not a club anyone ever wants to be a part of but oh so helpful for valuable advice, support or just a safe place to vent without fear of judgement.
    • CommentAuthordellmc53
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2015
    Thank you Wolf and Aunt B. Indeed it is the club that I never thought about at all. The Alzheimer diagnosis was like being thrown into the ocean from the cruise ship and left behind. I was in a wonderland of denial about my husband. I just never thought about brain disease.
    There were so many signs but I just thought he was getting older and because of his pain he was changing. What a jolt! And now he is in a nursing home and I am still floundering around trying to figure out what happened. I have always preached to my students that education is so important. For the last two months I have been reading and educating myself about this foreign land. I am just so full of sadness.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2015
    It's very hard dellmc53. You're going to be using everything you have at some point. Try and use what support you can get as issues come up. Ask here. Many have experience in whatever issue might come up. I'm sorry this is happening.
    • CommentAuthordellmc53
    • CommentTimeFeb 28th 2015
    Thank you Wolf. As I have been reading these different posts I feel an odd sort of comfort that other people know what I am experiencing. My husband has only been in a nursing home since January 21st and I have not been able to go see him for the last 5 days because of bad weather. It is tearing me up inside that my husband of 36 years is no longer here with me. The devastation of the financial end of this plus the horrendous emotional pain this is causing is unbelievable. The people on this site get it. My friends do not.