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    • CommentAuthorInJail
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2015
    I'm getting my own Girl Size snow blower today. Troybuilt 26" with two stage engine and electric start. I have been trying to use the huge one we have and it is just too heavy for me. It is a long walk to the barns and the turnouts are buried. This will make my life much easier, especially with another 7 inches of snow coming in.
    ...and it isn't even Christmas!!!

    Yes, there is nothing like a good snowblower, as many of us have discovered this year. My snowblower is my new BFF.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2015
    The fellow who comes over to use HIS snowblower on my long driveway is my new BFF!!!
    While you Northern folks were blowing snow, I was getting a suntan mowing my five acres here in Florida -- mostly just knocking down weed heads and mulching dead leaves in unseasonably warm weather. I'll bet marsh has been enjoying not being in Maine.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeFeb 26th 2015
    ok Gourdchipper, that's just mean! :)

    I'm in Minnesota and we've still got a couple months of depressingly frigid temperatures before we thaw out.

    Seriously, I hope you soak in some rays for those of us in the 'tundra'.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2015
    I'm really jealous. We never had a snow blower but I have admired them from afar for years. I have no idea how I am going to get these mountains of snow away from my house before they start to melt into the basement. Well, without a snow blower, I guess I'm not!
    I sold my snowblower a couple years ago (it was way too big for me to handle) and hired a yard service guy with a plow on his pickup. He also shovels near the garage door and salts if needed. I am now on my way home from Florida (with my suntan) and hope the drive is clear when I get there.
    • CommentAuthorInJail
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2015
    In definitely needed one that is smaller for me than the one we have. The driveway is 600 feet from the road to the house and then there is another 150 foot lane back to the barns that has to be kept open for the refuse truck to pick up trash and manure. The turn out pens (2) are about a 1/2 acre that have to be cleared or they ice up and are dangerous for the horses. I got most of it done today but had to quit after 4 hours since it was way below zero with the 6 degree temps and wind chill. I am impressed with it so far.