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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2015
    What a lovely afternoon I had. MaryinPA was making her way back up North to Pennsylvania, when she stopped here in Southeast Florida to have lunch with Nora (bluedaze*) and me. (Nora and I live around the corner from each other) Although I haven't had as many opportunities lately to meet with website members, it is always a pleasure to talk face to face with cyber friends. We spent 3 hours talking and sharing stories as if we had known each other forever. Being an Alzheimer Spouse is a glue that bonds us together, transcending distance and time.

    We did take a few pictures, which I will post on FB after I edit and transfer them from my cell phone to the computer.

    It is wonderful meeting face to face. Focus of our chat was about our futures. Dementia doesn't have to claim us, too.
    Joan and bluedaze*, Thanks again for meeting with me. We had a great time. It was great to share with people who know what we are talking about.
    Mary, it was great having lunch with you on Monday. Now I've met 3 of Joan's group, Dee a few years ago here in Sarasota, then Jeanette when I was in Holland and she came into Rotterdam and we sat and drank hot chocolate and talked for two hours. Yes, Joan, our Alzheimers experience certainly does create a comfortable bond. We can talk about anything.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2015
    Speaking of Jeanette - anyone know how she is doing?
    Mary, sorry I missed you in Florida. Maybe next summer in Maine.
    Marsh, sorry to have missed you. It was really great to talk with PrisR*, bluedaze* and Joan. I should have arrived home today. I left the Orlando area on Friday expecting a 3 day window of good weather. That all evaporated in the night last night with winter storm Sparta. I stopped just below Richmond VA last night and only got to just above Richmond this am when the sleet started. After I saw 6 cars and a truck with boat on the trailer off the road, I decided "enough". The intersection where I got off had emergency vehicles before and after the intersection. I spotted a hotel right behind the Mc Donalds so that's where I have spent the day. Hope I have better luck tomorrow.