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    Since my husband's placement almost six months ago and subsequent rapid decline , I have been in pain.
    Yes, besides emotional pain I feel all kinds of body aches. My neck, my head, my back, my joints all hurt.
    Right now, I can hardly turn my neck. My scalp hurts.

    Is something wrong with me? Does anyone else feel this way?
    You probably should see a physician to rule out any kind of illness that may be causing you to feel like this. It is also true that anxiety and depression can cause the symptoms that you are describing. If the physician rules out a systemic illness then he can treat your depression and anxiety.

    In the meantime you can help yourself by eating right and trying to get some exercise. Anything to get your blood moving and your joints warmed up - start out slow, 5 or 10 minutes a couple of times a day. Many studies have shown the benefit of exercise in the treatment of depression and its physical symptoms like those you have. And although it seems counterintuitive, icing those achy areas (neck, head, back) can be helpful too.

    But first you must see a doctor. Tomorrow morning make that call and get in as soon as you can.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2015
    Yes, stress can cause those symptoms. Stress will affect hormones which can lead to the aches and pains. I would go have a physical and while waiting try to practice relaxing and do some exercise - stretching if nothing else.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2015
    Lorrie,every morning I felt like I had been hit by a huge truck.Finally went to Dr.,sent me to a specialist who said it was Fibromyalgia.Biggest triggers being STRESS and lack of sleep. Seems we both have that.Try to take one day at a time, my motto is "This too shall pass" It breaks my heart to see Sonny in a NH,but there are things beyond our control and we have to learn to accept them.I visit him everyday but I have to admit,the tears fow freely the last quarter mile to the home.
    I have found that just plain old walking helps a lot. I don't know where you live (right now where I am it's 18 below zero Fahrenheit with about six inches of snow on the ground)--but if the weather permits you to have any opportunity to get outside and walk for a half-hour or so, you would be surprised how it helps…it's good mentally and physically…seems to loosen everything up in terms of tense muscles, and relaxes your mind.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2015
    Yes, walking and moving about helps lessen the pain.Also I found much relaxation having the responsibility of caring for my pets. They need care and I am the only one available to do it.Makes me get out of bed and get moving.I also found bromalain(made from pineapple) relieves the muscle pain.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2015
    Lorrie, How do you know these symptoms are caused by "Caregiver Stress"? At least go into your doctor's office and get a basic physical exam. If the basics look OK, you'll be able to rule out some other worrisome causes. Maybe that assurance alone will take the edge off a little.
    Yes, do make an MD appt. for yourself to see if there is anything going on. I didn't mean that taking a walk should preclude seeing your doctor. (Hope it didn't sound like that.)
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2015
    Do see a doctor. I had a pain in my leg. After PT and seeing specialists turned out to be a herniated disk and a bulging disk (L5 and L4). Super anti-inflammatory medicine got me well enough to return to PT.

    I am not saying this is your problem. But there may be a physical cause, and yes, stress could have triggered it but you may need some sort of medical intervention to treat it.
    I have not had the symptoms you are describing but have been teary, depressed with anxiety off the roof. Went to doctor today and thyroid is low. I read where depression can be a side effect of this. Starting on meds. Anyone else with thyroid issues?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2015
    I have been on thyroid since 1985. The doctor just lowered mine and I could tell the difference. I didn't see it at the time but now can see I got really depressed soon after but that may have been more of no sunshine. I am more tired since he lowered it.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2015
    As for thyroid, I don't have one anymore - thyroid cancer twenty years ago, on Synthroid for the rest of my life. I know the thyroid can really mess with you, though.

    I agree see a doctor, first & foremost, then go from there. My personal theory is that when one is under so much stress, anxiety, etc. the body just cannot function like it's supposed to. Throw in depression & you have a real mess.

    Elizabeth*, I feel like I'd like to get out & walk (not that I've ever been a particularly physical person!), but you're right about it being -18 the other night, with a high all the way up to 2, I think! Now there's more snow coming down! It does look beautiful, though - as long as I'm inside looking out. Dan is restless, I know he needs to get out too, but I'm not going out in this. Looks kind slippery, watching the way the cars are driving carefully down the street. Maybe sometime we can meet at the park & walk (as long as you are willing to go as slowly as I can at this time!). My sciatica is acting up.
    Hold that thought, Mim--yes, and we'll get that cup of coffee yet! Today there was a car in the ditch across the road from me and down the road a little where it curves--after a couple of hours, a tow truck came and pulled the car out. I've had a cosy, homey day just staying in and watching the beautiful winter scene from my windows. I have not even attempted to remove the snow from the drive.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2015
    Wish I could make one of those "thumbs up" thingy/doodles on here!!!
    • CommentAuthordellmc53
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2015
    Ever since my husband went into nursing home I have had a pain in my chest and a feeling like there was a knot between my shoulder blades. It hurts almost to breathe. I thought I might be having a heart attack but I know heart attacks don't last that long. I keep thinking it is stress and I am thinking about going to my doctor to see what he thinks might be causing it. I think stress can cause all sorts of weird pains in our bodies. After reading your posts about how cold it is where you live I cannot imagine those kinds of temps. I whine when it gets to 30 degrees here in Texas. It is cold and raining here tonight and I probably won't go to see my husband until Tuesday.

    I do believe stress causes all kinds of pains. I used to have that pain in my chest and would say I almost couldn't breathe. My therapist worked on breathing and relaxation. That helped. As soon as I saw my husband in his hospital bed, unresponsive and a shadow of himself , I got the pain in my neck, shoulders and back.

    But, as everyone told me see a doctor. The doctor may also give you meds to help.
    I was feeling very weird pains in my chest, like someone was squeezing my heart really intensely. I finally went to the doctor, and he adjusted my anti-depressants and told me I'm feeling grief, and need to be very gentle with myself. And to exercise.
    Grief indeed is so physically draining too. Grief affects every part of our being.
    Alzheimer grieving feels like it will last forever when you are in it.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2015
    A couple of years ago, I had a very uncomfortable feeling in my chest, couldn't really describe it. I felt like I couldn't breathe & I realized I was clenching my stomach & holding my breath a lot. Dr. sent me for a nuclear stress test, mostly because my father died at 74 with a coronary embolism (I'm 73 now). Passed with flying colors, we decided it had to be the stress. I have anti-anxiety meds for whenever I need them (I go a year before refilling!), I don't really need to take one very often. Lately I seem to feel more of a need for them, I think because my youngest son is moving - to Tokyo!!!! I'm glad for him because he's fulfilling his dream, but it's adding more internal stress to me. I don't mind him moving away, but 10,000 miles!!!! Probably going to be time for a refill!