She as well as the "originals" have helped us all so very much, giving us wisdom, lessons learned, solace, comfort and yes humor.
Divvi, I hope you are coping and are well. Please stop in to let us know you are okay and if we can in a small measure help you. I do sincerely hope you will stay with us.
Oh so sorry i havent checked in. My computer crashed have another on the way soon hopefully. Using phones as you know is a very tiny keyboard! I am doing well thank goodness the sadness comes and goes in waves. Many of you before me can attest to how emotions roll.i am getting things ready to downsize and will be moving when i am able so staying super busy dealing with downsizing and legal paperwork. We had a lovely memorial service january and i felt some final atonements to laying my beloved to rest as well as the roll of caregiver. It hasnt been easy- yoyoing emotions abound but i am getting to a better place every day. I think of you all very often. This site is forever engraved in our lives even in the after. Once i get my new setup i hope to check in more often. Those of you behind us, know the difficulties do subside and we do become to look to more peaceful days ahead. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I know how awful it is for folks to disappear without letting everyone know they are ok. I plead guilty and will try to do better! Thanks to you all as well- all of us find ourselves better to know everyone here. Well wishes to each- divvi
Thanks for checking in, Divvi. We will look forward to hearing about how you're handling the "after" and your continued help for us who are still in the trenches when you get your new computer.