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    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2015 edited
    I just have to rant, throw a hissy-fit, whatever it takes! I think the cabin fever has really settled in for us - I KNOW it has for me! Today, I'm at the end of my rope with this man/child.
    I made some brownies a little earlier. When I took them from the oven, he was ready to dive in (he craves sweets, especially chocolate). I explained to him that they were too hot to cut, that they would burn his mouth (they have chocolate chips in them), that it would make a real mess if they were to be cut now. He chose to hang around in the kitchen, practically with his tongue hanging out while I tried to clean up said kitchen. He wouldn't let it go, kept telling me that he was going to cut into them, that he would take what he wants, that he would eat the whole thing (which he would, if I let him). I really kind of scolded him like I would a child, and not in a low tone of voice! I took them out of the kitchen & put them on stairs to the upstairs, where they will really cool much faster anyway. He doesn't know they are there, & I haven't heard a peep out of him!
    He's just been so restless lately, when he sits, he sleeps, otherwise he's walking from window to door, or standing in the middle of the room, remote in hand, really looking at nothing. He is on my last nerve!
    Of course, I'm great at mumbling to myself, telling myself what I really should have done. I should have let him eat a d*#@ed brownie & burn his tongue, like a child sometimes learns "hot" the hard way. In fact, I wanted to shove the whole pan in his face! Then I think just keep pushing him till he snaps & hits me (NEVER
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2015
    sorry ---
    (he has NEVER done anything like that) & then I could have his behind hauled off to jail & then the psyche ward! Don't worry, I know better than to actually do that, but I can dream can't I? :)

    Anyway, after an anxiety pill for me & looking forward to Downton Abbey, I think I'm calming down. Tomorrow I go out by myself, no matter how freakin' cold it is. Lunch with a couple of friends from church (wouldn't they be surprised to hear my rant!!!) & a couple of errands. Who knows, maybe I'll get crazy & stay out till dark..... :D

    Thank you for "listening", my friends.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2015
    Rant away. If he is like mine, he is not aware when he burns his mouth. I almost always burn the roof of my mouth on pizza. I tell him to be careful when we have it, he says 'I know' and bites in. It is still hot enough to burn mine so I know it burns his.

    Go tomorrow and have a good time. I know the feeling of being shut in. We moved her for the sunshine. We had at least 3 weeks of clouds and/or rain - no sunshine. The last few days have been sunshine and 60. It is amazing how my mood changes. We have been out walking every day - does us both good.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2015
    You're welcome! I can picture the whole thing. You're probably trying to figure out why you made those brownies in the first place. Remember, no good deed goes unpunished!

    Mim, your front hall sounds just as cold and drafty as mine is.
    Hang in there, Mim! I know that cabin fever feeling--it's too cold to walk in the park--too cold to do much of anything! I am just sitting by the fire with a cup of hot tea and a couple of books. Yesterday afternoon I went up on 224 to go to the post office--probably a mistake--it whited out, and I couldn't see a thing. It's just a good, old-fashioned winter.

    Have a brownie later, and watch Downton. If you get a chance, take a look outside--the stars are beautiful tonight.
    Mim, I couldn't help laughing reading your post! I think it's because I can so identify with your mood. Once when my daughter was staying with DH, I stayed out longer than I meant to. When I came in, I said "Did you think I wasn't coming back?" She said "Well, I was beginning to wonder." I said "Actually, the thought did enter my mind that I could hit the interstate and just keep going." Of course, you know we would never ever do anything to harm them and certainly would never leave or desert, but just get so frustrated sometimes.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2015

    You handled the situation well. Do you get any respite time to yourself. I understand muttering under your breath but I also take that as a caregiver health warning sign.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2015
    I did have a brownie- I think that's why I made them in the first place!! I've been trying (key word here is trying) not to eat sugary things & bread, etc., but I get a hunger for it once in a while. Can't say I've been really successful with this so far though! :)
    As far as respite goes, I do get out to lunch on occasion, sometimes insisting that I have errands to run - by myself. He always seems a little hurt by that, but I must get away alone at times, even if it's for an hour or two. I can still leave him alone for that long.
    Myrtle, the steps to the upstairs has a door to close - it's an old house (1929) ,a lot of character, lots of doors, & not much closet space! The upstairs is finished off, but still gets pretty cold in this weather.

    Yes, I do at times feel rebellious & want to run away!!! But I guess I just run away via a book or the computer! As I look back over my post it kind of makes me chuckle too.

    Night all.....
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2015
    Hi Mim, I know exactly the kind of arrangement you're talking about. My family used to live in a very old house with a staircase that was behind a door. We kids all slept upstairs and it was really cold!

    The door at the bottom of that staircase was right next to the living room fireplace. My sister was married in front of that fireplace and her "bridal procession" was her descent down the stairs. Of course, since the door to the stairs was closed, the wedding guests could not see her, but they could hear her coming down the wooden stairs - clomp, clomp, clomp. When she reached the bottom, the door opened a crack and she stuck her head out first and gave a big smile. Then she herself followed, wedding dress and all. It still makes me laugh to think of it!
    I made brownies yesterday also. My DH would eat the whole pan. I have to hide them. He is like a child and sneaks in. Luckily they were done when he sat to eat dinner. They had time to cool.

    I remember when the kids were little, I had a bad long day at work, dealings with ex-wife, I would think the car has a tank of gas how far can I go. I never would have done that. But nice to dream. I do that a lot now. Never would.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2015
    Awwwwww I remember the night that I wanted to take him a mile down the road to the nursing home, put his fanny on the porch, ring the bell and run. Of course, you never will. Praying for some sunshine in your life today.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2015
    My weakness is oatmeal bars. I have been making them since a child. Hb really does not have a sweet tooth, in fact he eats less now than pre-AD. Brownies I would eat too until they were gone.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2015
    Bama* your comment made me think of putting him in a huge basket, leaving him on the doorstep of a foundling home or a convent, with a note attached "take care of my baby, I just cannot. He likes brownies" !! I could include a bottle of beer.....

    Just being silly. I did go out today, had a very enjoyable lunch (actually I was treated!), ran a couple of errands. It was wonderful just to go by myself, but it is so blasted cold! I think it was about 3 when I left. Then the car heater decided not to work at full capacity, so I decided I'd better go on home - it just wasn't that comfortable. Now I need to have the car checked out.

    Sigh.......but at least I'm warmer now, snuggled under a fuzzy throw. Dan will get the part of my lunch that I couldn't finish for his meal.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2015
    Mim, with out humor I never would have survived. You need to be silly once in awhile. There you have my permission.I had my 87th birthday Valentine's Day so I can now play the "ole ladies" card and tell you young'uns what to do. Seriously I know how hard you are having it.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2015
    Happy Birthday Bama. Valentine's Day was our 46th anniversary of going out together.
    Happy Birthday, Bama. You're not getting older--you're getting better. And age doesn't matter anyway…unless you're a cheese.

    Mim, I've stayed indoors for two straight days. You are braver than I am. It was 11 below this morning (Fahrenheit), but I do need to go out today, weather or not.
    My husband has a real sweet tooth since he's had dementia. He sneaks sweets just like a child might do.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2015
    Happy belated birthday Bama*; as they say, "you're not getting older, you're getting better!"

    To all of you who celebrate special romantic events on Valentine's Day, you are in my thoughts. The day is hard enough to get through now that many of our spouses don't understand but to celebrate an anniversary or significant event must be terribly difficult. I keep you all in my heart.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2015 edited
    Happy belated birthday, Bama* - I'm glad you think I'm a "young-un" !!