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    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2015
    Myrtle, your story was very touching. They are still in there somewhere, aren't they?

    Kind of made me tear up.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2015
    I brought Kevan home during the day on Saturday and it was alright. He became very tired and went for his rest.
    On Sunday I picked him up and we went to MacDonald's for the muffin and coffee deal. He thinks that is a great price.LOL
    We had a good visit and he talked about lots of fun things we did. We travelled quite a bit and spent some of our winters in the Florida panhandle., and also in the Canadian Rockies in a small mining town that was dieing. It did revived.
    Then we went to Lowes and just wandered around until we both became tired. We had lunch at my place and watched curling on T.V then he decided to go home and have his nap before dinner. It worked out well and I will likely pick him up tomorrow.
    I guess we are both able to find some peace and contentment now. He did say if we lived together we would end up divorced as he would not be able to live with me leaving my crocheting or coffee cup in the side table for long. LOL
    I place for everything and everything I its place.


    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2015
    Jazzy, that sounds almost "cute"! Sounds like things are on a more positive keel now - let's hope it continues! (Hope springs eternal...)