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    • CommentAuthorlongyears
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2015 edited
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2015 edited
    Thank you for posting this, longyears.

    For me, there were some surprises in the article. What I'm trying to put together are the variables of education level and access to physicians/neurologists. Especially in consideration of a presentation after age 50- that persons with an average of 19 years of formal education lack that access? or a medical history?

    Many would likely have living parents. Demographically someone with that education level would marry later in life and would be more likely to have fewer than three (lifetime) marriages. Maybe the disease scared some spouses and parents away, and I say that seriously.

    From the article: "people with FTD tend to act on impulse"...(rather than plan, intentionally manipulate, etc)...No surprise there.

    Although my husband, who had FTD, never had contact with a forensic psychiatrist, he did with a neuropsychiatrist. I was somewhere between shock and disgust when he said how "FASCINATING" it was that my husband had xxx IQ while the Spect, or PET or whatever it was showed "SUCH SIGNIFICANT" degeneration.