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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2015
    My brother passed away sometime oday. They are both at peace now.

    Thanks for all your love and caring words.


    Jazzy, I am so sorry. It is all so much for you to deal with. ((((Hugs)))) They are at peace now, and that's the important thing, although it is hard on the ones left behind.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2015
    So sorry, Jazzy. This is a lot to deal with. Be good to your self these next few weeks.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2015
    I have seen some cruel things that families do to each other but this one takes the cake.I recieved a techs from my Son in Alberta asking me if i was alright. I said"yes why?" He immediately called to tell me my brother was dead. I said "how do you know" he said "I just saw it on facebook."
    I willjust never understand why they would do that. Why didn't anyone call? I am so hurt and so angry!!!!! I called my sister who is always complaining about how bad she is treated by the family and she knew and was to busy to call. she got an earfull. I guess all my frustrations came out in one burst. i wasn't nasty just reminded her how she feels when others do this kind of thing to her.

    Kevan's LTC have lock down as three people have the flu. He is only coming out to his room for meals. He said his hand are going to be like leather using all that hand cleaner. I said I would drop some udder cream off a the door for him if he runs out.


    Thanks everyone. your support is sure helpful..
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2015
    Jazzy, I send my condolences to you for the loss of your brother and SIL. The waiting part is agonizing. Now that they are at rest I hope you can recall some of the happy times and good memories you had with them. Maybe a few funny things about your childhood with your brother will surface and give you a chuckle. I hope so. I am with you in thinking that a facebook posting about a death is cold hearted. Hope you can use the LTC flu lockdown to rest up from this stressful week. (((Hugs)).
    Jazzy, I will never understand why people think being on Facebook is a true relationship and communication. Plus the fact that not everybody is on Facebook. Unbelievable that you were not called…this was your brother!!

    Just tying up a loose end…you had asked about Harney tea. Harney and Sons is a company whose tea factory is in Connecticut. They used to have a tea room in Millerton, NY, just across the state line. Millerton is in the northeastern corner of Dutchess county, NY, where I was a public health nurse for 20 years. So I went to the tea room sometimes, and learned to like some of the Harney teas. They have a website and online catalog, or you can order some of the teas on Amazon. (I promise I have no financial interest in them and am not advertising.)
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2015
    I'm sorry you have to face these hard things and in these ways. You have more than enough to face already. My condolences to you on the passing of your brother and your sister in law.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2015
    Thank You all for your support. I am fine but sure needed to feel that on line love and hugs and I sure did. Your such a great group.

    Bless all of you.


    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJan 10th 2015
    Jazzy, my condolences on the loss of your brother and sil. This disease is relentless.

    Big cyber (((hugs)))
    My sympathy and understanding, so sorry for all your loss. Betty
    so sorry for these losses Jazzy.
    Jazzy. What a difficult time. You are in my thoughts.
    My sympathy to you Jazzy. So sorry for all the hurts you have felt lately. Much love from me to you.
    Just crawling out of the sick room..bad cold and read your sad news here. I am so sorry to read of the tacky behaviour toward you..
    Your loved ones are at peace..I hope now you can find some peace and get some ch needed rest yourself.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2015
    Thank you and blessing on all of you. I really needed all those kind supportive words. i'm doing fine.

