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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 1st 2015
    It seems like only yesterday that I was announcing the birth of our MBM's first grandchild. Well, today, January 1, 2015, Message Board Monitor Ellie welcomed her FOURTH grandchild. An 8 lb. 5 oz. girl. That makes 3 girls and one boy. Congratulations to Ellie, who never lets anything interfere with her MBM duties. She is up every morning at 5:30 ( Her internal clock is screwed up - won't let her sleep past 5:30 AM), and one of the first things she does is check the message boards. And it's one of the last things she does before she goes to bed at night. Not to mention the times in between, alerting me to new members, spammers, deaths, and any discussions that need my attention. This board would not run as smoothly as it does, if it wasn't for Ellie's diligence.

    Please show your thanks to Ellie for her hard work by congratulating her on the birth of her newest grandbaby.

    Wonderful news Ellie, and family!! Very happy for you all.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeJan 1st 2015
    Congratulations Ellie on your New Year bundle of joy! Thanks for helping Joan keep us straight on this message board. I greatly appreciate it. Enjoy your new granddaughter.
    Oh, a Capricorn--they are charming. My birthday is Sunday so I know these things, read it in a book. Problem is that you get a bit short-changed at Christmas. Otherwise, a long, healthy, happy life for her. Congrats to all.
    What a great event for a happy new year! Thank you Ellie for all you do on this site - by the way - my internal clock is screwed up too - I'm up at 4 or 4:30 every day!
    • CommentAuthormbm
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2015
    Why thank you everyone. I guess I am a little late this morning. It is now 6:30. I do live in the Boston area if anyone is ever visiting here and needs a tour guide.

    Last year, Joan put me in touch with Coco when my husband and daughter had a conference in Hawaii (I just tagged along with the baggage). We got to have a wonderful dinner with this remarkable lady, sampled some delicious coconut candy that she made and got to see some cool volcanic glow with her.

    I know you are all traveling a most difficult journey (my Mom suffered from Alzheimer's disease) and wish medical research could do something to find a cure (better yet prevention).

    Ellie what a wonderful way to begin your year.
    Thank you, Ellie! Your diligence makes this site work for all of us.

    Congrats on the new grandbaby!
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2015
    Congratulation Ellie and family. Wonderful way to start the new year.

    Thanks for your care of us!!


    New baby for the New Year. Awesome way to start 2015. Thank you Ellie for keeping an eye on us : ) May the new grand baby bring joy to all the family!
    Congratulations, Ellie. Wishing this new little baby a healthy, happy life, and love to all her family. Thanks also for all you do for this website.
    Happy New Year.
    Congratulations on the new addition! (Edition?). And thank you for all you do for us.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2015
    Congratulations Ellie. Thanks for helping with the site. And Happy New Year.
    • CommentAuthorMoon*
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2015

    How wonderful to have a New Year's Grandbaby. A fantastic way to start the year off.

    Thank you for all you do to help Joan keep this site running so flawlessly.

    Enjoy your new little treasure and your three other precious gems as well.
    Congratulations, Ellie, to you and your entire family and welcome to your New Year's granddaughter!
    I had a granddaughter born on New Year's Eve 2013 - it's a great way to end a year or begin a brand new one.

    Thanks for all your hard work in keeping this valuable site humming along.
    Congratulations, Ellie. And also congratulations to the mom and dad. Thank you for all you do to keep this site running smoothly.
    Ellie!! Congratulations on the best gift in the world!!! I am sure she is beautiful! Thank you for all of our efforts on behalf of the alzheimer spouse! I am also in the Boston area. Brockton. Happy new year and all the very best to you and your family!!!! Love Christine.
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2015
    Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! What a wonderful way to begin the new year! I remember the days of the births of my grand hildren so well. The best time of my life!
    Congrats Ellie! And thanks for keeping our little piece of the world here as safe as possible.