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    I started this in JudithKB* 's grieving thread and it was really off topic. So I'll start again here, I am going on a cruise February 1st to the 8th. Then I am heading to Bradenton on the 9th to stay with a friend. I will use him as a base and go from there to visit other friends in Largo and Clearwater. I haven't checked with friends who usually go to the Sarasota area. When I wear out my welcome I plan to visit a friend near Jupiter (Tequesta) before I head north. My DD says I'll be couch surfing.

    Marsh said he will be near Bradenton and bluedaze said she lives north of Jupiter. It would be really great to meet someone from this board. I have put my email in my profile if there is anyone else I might meet up with. I am not on facebook.

    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 1st 2015
    Jupiter! Jupiter! I can visit with you when you are in Jupiter. I'm only 45 minutes North of Jupiter. Actually, bluedaze lives around the corner from me.

    We will do this.
    Sounds great, you two pick a place in your area that I can find and I'll meet you.

    I still live in Sarasota and would love to get together with you. It'd be nice to get a group together. pcr8400 at gmail dot com
    PrisR* 8-23-12, I just sent you an email. Yes, it would be nice to get a group together. Marsh said he'd be in Palmetto the last week of Feb, visiting his daughter. Maybe we could meet somewhere convenient for him on Monday or Tuesday that week.

    Anyone else in that area who wants to join us?

    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJan 17th 2015
    I'm jealous...I'll still be in the Northeast, but hope you all have great time. Have a glass of chardonnay for me!

    Yes, hoist that glass of chardonnay for me, too--and think of me snowblowing while you're cavorting in the tropics! Ha-ha.
    I don't think most Floridians consider February tropical but to us northerners it sure beats shoveling snow and driving on ice. I'll be sure to hoist that glass of chardonnay! Maybe I'll do that on the cruise ship at Grand Cayman. There, now I've made you all jealous!