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    Thank you, Marsh, for recommending the Tranquility overnight briefs. First morning I haven't had to change wet clothes, wet chux pads, wet bed and comforters and they don't smell. I got a couple of free samples and have ordered a case. DH is sleeping more than he's awake now and these have really saved the day.
    Glad to be of help.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2014
    Thanks too Marsh. I started using the tranquility brand again at night to see if he would keep them on and prevent a wet bed. The nights he decides to keep them on really helps with preventing wet sheets, blankets, etc.

    Now if only he'd keep them on all night.
    LFL, Divvi would probably tell you to put his pj bottoms on backwards if they have a button in the back. I haven't had that problem...YET...but hope you find a solution so you can help me later. :-) I don't know what the tranquility overnight briefs have in them that soak up all that urine but they are really heavy in the morning.