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    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014 edited
    the day has come, we cannot prepare.
    for all the losses our hearts will bear.

    years gone by, our lives on hold
    a new journey's life must now unfold.

    the loss of a love that breaks us apart
    the countless tears and holes in our heart.

    today they are here -tomorrow they are gone
    within this universe a simple pawn.

    the brightest star a ray of sun
    the life we loved is now undone.

    memories we hold within our grasp
    soon come forth from the life of past.

    the love lives on it shall not die
    we hold you in our thoughts with a breath of sigh.

    so now we begin the process of loss
    it comes in waves and at enormous cost.

    we pray we heal and continue to thrive
    give thanks that we are still alive.

    hopeful one day our hearts unite
    we lift your soul with love and light.

    i love you dearly with all my heart
    our love will last though our souls apart.

    copyright 2014

    To all my wonderful and caring friends here, it is with great sorrow and profound sadness, I let you know our journey has ended. my dearest Jack, has left this world for a better one- whole and healthy on his journey home. I leave us with this poem for all of us that must endure this sad yet unfounding joy upon their release and freedom from this disease. thank you all for your love and caring help during these 15 years. it means so much to each of us here to know others are here for support and hope. much love to you all, Divvi
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    Oh,Divvi, OMG, there are no words…I am so sorry for your loss, for the loss of Jack. If thoughts and prayers are any help, know that you have them. And that wherever he's gone--that it will be a brighter place with him there. How are you holding up?
    Divvi, just by coincidence, I have a small glass of white wine in front of me. I am raising it in a toast to you and Jack. God bless both of you, and Divvi, as you have been here for all of us with your strength, grace, and good advice…may we also be here for you. Love and prayers.
    Re-reading your poem, and crying. I'll stop posting now and give the others a chance. (15 years for you and Jack--for me and Larry it was 14--I'm sure we both understand and then some.)
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    You can officially give up the "poop" queen crown now for a new one - the crown of a good and faithful caregiver and wife.

    Sorry for your loss but as we all knw they are finally whole and out of pain. Now rest and take care of yourself.
    Welcome to your *. It's a more peaceful place, but surely still sad, as the memories of the old good years begin to surface.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014

    So sorry for your loss. Rest and take care of your self !
    Blessings on you and Jack.



    You are a bright and shining star - while you have taken care of Jack, you have helped so many here at Joan's. I've never seen an AD patient who always had a smile on his face, except Jack! You put that smile there.

    Your poem is absolutely beautiful! It speaks from your heart.

    Arms around you, dear friend!

    divvi, I love you. Your beautiful poem says it all. You have been my heroine all these many years on this site. Jack was very special and had the most special caregiver there ever can be. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    May peace and comfort be yours for a journey well-lived. You are a blessing to many on this site; I believe you're the one who guided me here some years ago. Thank you.
    So sorry......I wish you peace and comfort in the days ahead.
    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    God bless you, Divvi. You have been an invaluable resource for so many of us. You are right, your dear husband is free from pain and in a beautiful place where he is whole and happy. You were a blessing to him and a blessing to all of us. Please take care of yourself in the days ahead.
    • CommentAuthorcassie*
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    Dearest Divvi, sending you sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved husband, Jack.
    May you find strength and comfort to get you through the coming days.
    We all love you on this forum, Divvi and you will both remain in our hearts forever.
    So sorry for the loss of your Jack. So thankful that his shackels have been broken and he is free. And thankful too for you and all the guidance you have provided for so many of us here.
    Blessing divvi. I agree with Mary about the smile on Jack's face when we visited with him a few years ago. I never saw anyone with dementia, look so happy. He is indeed in a better place now along with those spouses of us with the *. You have indeed been a tremendous help to me during my time of caring for my husband. Rest now, and be happy for him. Love and prayers.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    Divvi* A sweet and loving poem. Prayers and thoughts for you. You have been a wonderful caregiver to Jack. Take care of you now that your long caregiving journey is over.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    I'm sorry Divvi. Your Jack is at peace now and in time I truly hope you also find peace inside.
    • CommentAuthorSherizeee
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    so very sorry for your loss Divvi, we share your heavy heart.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    Sending love and hugs your way. You are really a very special lady.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    S sorry for your loss,you were always an inspiration for me.Your poem is a wonderful example of the great person you are.
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    Dearest Divvi*, your poem is beautiful as is the love and devotion to your husband. You have a special place in my heart and prayers. Thank you for showing us the way in so many things.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014 edited
    To Our Dearest Divi,

    You joined us just 7 months after the launch of this website. You have been an inspiration, a guiding light, a helpful force to all of us. To your dear husband, you have been a loving wife, dedicated caregiver, and I am willing to bet his reason for living. Please accept my deepest, most sincere condolences. Know that you have been the best, given the best, and done the best. No one can ask for anything more.

    I took the liberty of adding more of an explanation to your topic title - You are loved and respected here, and I wanted to make sure everyone knew exactly what this thread was about. I hope you do not mind that I did so.

    divvi* You have been so helpful to so many here for years, you are the devoted caregiver everyone strives to be. My thoughts are with you and yours, I understand your loss. Blessings, Bettyhere

    How generous of you to share your beautiful and evocative poem. "the life we loved is now undone." You are a guidepost to the meanings of life, love and loss. As you said, it all comes in waves, doesn't it? I wish you every blessing, comfort, and peace.

    divvi* we have been together almost from the start of Joan's blessed site. You have always been a star and your new one is your crown. Your sweetness and dedication brought hope to us all. Peace to you now-very dear friend.
    divvi*, my heart goes out to you. As a newcomer to this blog (joined June 2012) I learned so much from you. May you now have a chance to rest and heal.
    Divvi*, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry for your loss. Your poem is beautiful
    ....,Truly beautifull words.....Your words have ment so much to me over
    the four years I've been here. You are an inspiration to all of us.
    Divvi. You truly are an inspiration. I am deeply sorry for your loss and heartbreak. We are all here for you and whatever you need.
    Reading your poem (twice) and crying, Divvi. You've been such a delightful caregiver with a sense of humor that made it bearable for you....even accepting the poop crown! I joined this site in July, 2008, just 6 months after DH's diagnosis and from the very start you gave me such good advice about so many things. You've made my journey a little easier and I wish there was some way I could help you now. Just know we all love you here and are feeling your loss with you.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    Dearest divvi, I am so sorry for your loss. You were an inspiration to me and helped get me through my darkest hours. I hope you find peace now. Jack would want that for you.
    Divvi, your poem was beautiful. I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Divvi, you have been an inspiration and help to all of us. I am sorry for your loss but hope Jack is in a better place. Please keep coming to this site with your words of wisdom, encouragement, and even humor.
    Dear divvi, so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Jack. I have learned so much from your posts and I have so much admiration for you. May the days ahead be gentle on you. God bless!
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    I am so sorry.
    Dear Divvi,
    Your poem is such a wonderful tribute to Jack. Your down-to-earth advice, simple and to the point, has helped more people than you know.

    Now that Jack is free, hopefully you will be able to rest peaceful in the knowledge that he is at peace, and that you did everything possible with love to help. He was blessed to have you as his partner. You are an inspiration. Sincere condolences.
    Dear Divvi,

    My condolences on your loss; my admiration for your wisdom and grace as caregiver to your husband.
    Dearest Divvi I am saddened by the loss of Jack, but thrilled that both of you are going to a much better place...You were the poster child for caregiving, and you have been a profound inspiration to all of us here. I grieve with you, and send my deepest condolences.
    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014
    Oh, Divvi. I am so sorry for your loss. You didn't just say that you loved your husband, you lived that love, every day. May the coming days bring you some long-deserved peace and rest.

    Your poem was beautiful.
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014

    My deepest condolences on your great loss. You are a great woman! God bless.
    • CommentAuthorMoon*
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2014 edited

    Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your dear Jack.
    Your poem was very beautiful and full of so many tender emotions.
    Even after all the years of suffering through this dreaded disease,
    we are never quite ready for the inevitable. You are in my prayers.

    Thank you for being such a tremendous help to me
    during my journey - you shared so much - and I am very grateful.

    I am so sorry to learn of your loss. It is never easy especially at this time of year.
    Your tribute was lovely and so fitting. It says it all so well for all of us who have the *.
    Try to get some rest now...You have been a faithful caregiver for you dear Jack.
    Divvi, I'm sorry and I'm glad -- sorry for the grief you have to be feeling now, but glad that both you and Jack are finally released from this horrible disease. You've been an inspiration to so many of us, and I wish you the very best in the days ahead.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2014
    Divvi*, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Jack, but hope he is in a better place. As all the others have said, you have been an inspiration to all of us in so many ways. I have learned so much from you and cherish your advice, wisdom and practicality. I hope you can find peace in the days ahead.
    Thank you Divvi* for the beautiful poem and words. As others have said, you have been such a great and strong presence here and have helped me immensely. Hoping you can have some most well deserved rest. Keep us posted on how things go. Sending much love and support. (((((hugs)))))
    Divvi, I am holding you and your wonderful husband in my heart today. You were blessed to have him, and he was more than blessed to have you. Wishing you peace and rest in the knowledge that you have been an exceptional caregiver and wife.
    Beautiful poem, may you find peace in your heart. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Dearest divvi, my inbox has been flooded with emails from Spouse members wanting to be sure I knew about your thread. You know, I hope, how much I admire your compassion and creativity as a caregiver, your kindness and optimism, your unstinting willingness to help all of us. You and I joined Spouse just three days apart, and you've been my inspiration ever since.

    Your poem is lovely, a perfect reflection of the wonderful marriage the two of you had. Jack was so lucky to have you ... and you were so lucky to have Jack.

    Jack was Irish, no?

    Irish Blessing

    May the road rise up to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back,
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    May the rains fall softly upon your fields,
    And, until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    Much love,
    AprilShowers it is so good to see you here again. I have been worried about you.