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    • CommentAuthorwatchful7
    • CommentTimeNov 2nd 2014
    My wife has had these accidents at her care facility. She seems to fall down a lot, sometimes when she's trying to get up from the bed, and other times when she's up. There have few witnesses to the accidents, only to the results. Is this common with AD patients? Any ideas on how to prevent or at least minimize their occurrence? Thanks.
    Watchful7, my husband fell a lot when he was first placed. I do not believe there is any one answer. As he has become more accustomed to the surroundings it has gotten better. Sometimes medication can cause dizziness and falls. Sometimes lack of exercise or poor eye sight can also contribute to it. Like you few of his falls were witnessed. The nurse would call after finding bruises on his body. You may want to talk to the doctor and take a look at the medication especially if it continues.
    My DH fell a lot in the last stage. About 6 times in the two months before he passed. He was at home till the end and nothing changed in his surroundings. Once pulling a tv down on himself. We never were sure why. Just another sad part of AD. And not any of the times was I in the room when it happened. All I know was it was when he was getting up from his chair or out of bed.

    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2014
    My wife did that too. She fell fairly often for a period. We were fortunate that except for a few bruises, she escaped injury from them. She was 62 then. It was impossible to watch her every minute and it became a choice of risking the falls or putting a seat belt on her in a wheelchair.
    Yes, DH fell from time to time, whether in the facility for Rehab. those three weeks, or at home with me. The trouble is that we can no longer legally tie them down…and they simply do not remember that they cannot just get up and walk…so they fall. It is impossible to watch them every minute, as Wolf said upthread.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2014
    My wake up call from the NH today and last Monday was to tell me DH had fallen. No serious injuries. I spoke with the DON today to have meds assessed by the DOC. DH acts like a staggering drunk when he is out of his merrywalker. Yesterday the med tech came to give a med to calm him down while he was sitting on the sofa with me and was sound asleep. I think he is over medicated. DON assured me they would change meds or cut back the dosages. We shall see.