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    Hi husband, Pat, nearing end of stage five is calling a handful of friends daily for golf, lunch, dinner. I am at work all day and don't realize how much he is rummaging through the rolodex until I receive the return voicemails. I have reached out to a few stating that they should feel free to set boundaries, but I know they feel badly. I am sure this is just a temporary stage...I hope. I have tried hiding phone numbers, but then he calls me at work for the numbers. Has anyone gone through anything similar? Christine xo
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2014
    Is he home alone or with a caregiver during the day?

    One possibility is that he is bored. This can include not being able to think of something to do, but he can think of calling his friends.

    Let us know if this makes any sense.
    Paulc. I am sure he is bored. He is still home alone while I work. He claims he isn't bored but he has to be. It might be time for day care but he will not go easily.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2014
    When my wife was home alone I would get calls "What should I do now?" She had a set of things to do but after she did them, or even before, she wouldn't know what to do or ask me if she should do XYZ.

    She wouldn't consider adult day care. So I ended up hiring caregivers. Part time initially and then more hours each year.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2014
    For a time, we had a very creative male aide one day a week whose main job was to be a companion for my husband. They went to the senior center for lunch and then played pool there for a while. If a horse or dog or motorcycle show was in town, they would go to that and if not, they would go to a museum. (We have some museums that are of interest to men -- one with early firearms, one that focuses on industrial history, and one that has airplanes.) Sometimes they visited car dealerships to look at trucks or went to a stable to watch people riding horses. My husband just loved those days because he was able to hang out and do "guy things," just as if he were well.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2014
    myrtle, what a wonderful aide! My husband has a male aide and I know he enjoys the male companionship. They do guy things too. We used to have a horse farm just down the road and they would watch the horse competitions in the nice weather.
    Great suggestions! Thank you!
    My Dh does the same thing and he has a caregiver. Sometimes he calls my adult children and tells them horrible things. They just laugh it off but it still stings... He calls businesses and really harrasses them Oh well that is pay back for so many robo calls.