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    This has become my latest problem. My DH has been refusing to go to bed. Nothing I say or do helps! He doesn't want to get up either. I know he is in later stage, he's tired. But I need him to get up ! My DH was admitted to hospice last week. They are doing a lot of good things. It is my plan to keep him home if I possibly can. But I need sleep. I'm sure the agitation is going to get worse, he hasn't been physical, but he is no longer willing to do as I ask .
    It may be a good idea to let the hospice staff know and they can speak with the hospice physician about ordering something for him to help him relax if he is more agitated in the evening. Maybe this will help him sleep so he is not so tired in the morning.....but maybe not....sometimes, especially in the later stages people with dementia are just more tired, and tend to sleep more. Good luck to you as you face this difficult stage in your journey.
    Ky Caregiver. Google the term "terminal Restlessness". My wife was dx'ed with this near the end and Hospice MDs tried hospitalizing her twice in attempting to regulated her meds to slow her incessant pacing down. In the end a locked down Psyc facility was the only answer. Thankfully she was only there 7 days
    Thanks for your input! Things are better for now!