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    Model B Smith is on Dr OZ discussing her life with EOAD. Very good show.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2014
    and did he do his usual comments: it is all your fault for not eating right, exercising, etc.?
    Good question.
    Actually he did not. Her husband was on with her. They just talked about how they first knew and how it affected their relationship. They didn't mention any thing about diet or new age treatments. I wanted to see if he said any of his off the wall treatments. He did not. I was totally surprised. I turned him off right after thy were on. I do not care for his show in general. They told of how she seemed to have lost her ability to multitask and finish projects as she had been able to in the past. The difficulty as a spouse being patient with her. I was very surprised. She had difficulty answering questions. He would finish or answer for her. I could relate how they interacted together.
    They were only on for the first 15 minutes.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2014
    That would have been interesting. I no longer watch him - too Hollywood for me anymore!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2014
    I watched the preview and he seemed to be handling it with respect for what they are enduring.
    Did you notice that she had on 2 different earrings? Not sure if that is a new fad or not. They were very large and VERY different from each other!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 15th 2014
    I noticed that. I thought maybe fashion wise the gold one on the right matched her top and the left might match some other piece of her clothing. I do know women that dress like that with two different earrings.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeOct 16th 2014 edited
    I appreciated the way Dr. Oz handled this interview without his usual "over the top" cheerleading about bogus cures and preventions. It was respectful, although did not go into enough depth, in my opinion. The video of the entire interview is on the home page - - under Breaking News. Unfortunately, it has commercials that can't be skipped.

    I felt the same way. It would have been nice if he had the whole hour devoted to couples and children dealing with Alzheimer's. There is so much to this that most people do not understand. With all these reality shows, show clips from someone's life in a day as a caregiver. Actually talk about all the issues that know one mentions, driving, dressing, rage, bathroom issues, etc. of course we could all go on and on on that list.