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    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2014
    I get so tired of trying to deal with the medical profession.First our family dr. said she did not know enough about Marinol to prescribe it.Sonny's dr. at the NH(an Internal Medicine dr.) kept telling me he would, but after 4 months said his group would not allow it(bullshit). So I took Sonny to the Neurologist he used to go to and he was furious with me for taking up his time,said he should have been kept on the Aricept and Namenda.I am about ready to try street weed.It's easy to get and probably cheaper.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2014
    yhouniey, I agree with you on being tired of dealing with the medical profession. You and I know, and they should know, that there is no cure for ALZ. I think they are intimidated that lowly laymen would suggest medication by name and question their judgment about the meds they prescribed. I do wonder if medical THC has ever been prescribed for ALZ patients in states where it is legal. It seems like we not only have to struggle with our DH's condition but we have to constantly battle the professional caregivers. Sending you a(((hug))).
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2014
    marinol is used for appetite or at least that is what Nikki used it for. Why does he think aricept and namenda would help with that?
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2014
    He probably doesn't think that theose drugs would help with appetite. He thinks that he is God and that no one should do anything without his permission. S ounds like my husband's neurologist -- an arrogant X!@%&!.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2014
    AliM, you're exactly correct, I could see the Neurologist was upset that I would suggest I knew something. He would not listen to a word I said.Claimed he never heard of Marinol.Yeh,right.Family Doc would not even look it up online. BUT, the facility doc did know about it ,claiming he was not allowed.Laughing he said I could go to Colorado and buy Brownies with M in them.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2014
    Actually I saw a segment about a guy that grows marijuana for the medical needs like the ingredients in marinol. In the segment a family moved from New York I think to become Colorado residents so the daughter could get it. Doctors had tried everything for here and said it was her last hope. The guy furnishes it free of charge.

    Hopefully Nikki will be on and give you ideas of how she got it for her husband. You can also do a search to find it.