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    • CommentAuthorjunebug2
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2014
    I had a hard time finding how to get to the answers you provided, just found it. Well, several months have passed and I have taken your advice and things are calming down quite a bit. My mowing problem has ended other than verbal complaints. I just stood my ground about him not getting on and he gripes but lets me do it now. I do still hide the key though. Although he has not driven in two years, he always says he is going to if I have to leave to go to the doctor or other errand. (don't really have any one to sit with him) so, I got some keys at Walmart that look just like the vehicle keys and replaced them on his key chain and he is none the wiser. They were very noticeable keys and I just couldn't remove them without him knowing it. Now I know that if he gets in one there is no way he can leave. More about him, he has about a 5 second memory, so I depend on our phone log to see who called and if I think necessary I can call them back. He cannot remember who called or anything they say by the time he hangs up. He is starting to ask me if I was around when certain things in the past come to his mind. We have been married 32 years and is starting to forget our life together for the first 10 years or so. We have a cat that I may have to put into therapy, (kidding) as he will put him out on his screened in porch and then 5 seconds later will try to force him to come in. We do have some discussions about that, but it happens all day long anyway. I feel sorry for my baby. As some posted, he does the partial chores ( dishes, dusting) that just makes more work for me, but I try to thank him and tell him how much it helps me. He has a violent temper when he doesn't get his way and yells and cusses me, but after 15 minutes or so he will apologize and say he is working on getting rid of "Mr. Hyde". We have had about 30 years of a peaceful happy marriage with little conflict so this is very stressful for me. I am a diabetic and even with zero carbs some days if he gets on me with his rage my numbers hit the roof. My doctor just doesn't know what to do to help me. We have tried medicines for calming, but they make me so nervous and faint that I can't take care of DH. When I say care, at this point he still can make his coffee, get dressed (when he will) put pancakes in the microwave and eat neatly. I just have to watch the 100 other things that can happen. He constantly tries to use the phone as a tv remote and vice versa, if he is bored he starts calling everyone on the phone list even if it is several times a day. He is starting to forget names of friends and sometimes family when it has been a while since he's seen or talked to them. But he is still adamant that nothing is wrong with him and it is just old age forgetfulness. (he is 75 and I am turning 60) He never understood when the doctor gave him her diagnosis and I made the mistake of trying to discuss it with him one day. I have taken care of the POA's and moved the majority of our savings into my name only. Although he hasn't been able to write a check in two years, I have had his older son try to talk him into "loaning" him some money. So the check books are hidden and I think I am ok on that front now. Well enough, but just wanted to get some more info on our situation. Thanks for all the input everyone. I tell all my friends and family that reading things here have helped me get where I am at in all of this. PS- seems that friends and family are starting to pull away now and leaving me on my own.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2014
    Good to hear the situation has improved some. It is a long and draining life we live.
    • CommentTimeSep 6th 2014
    Thanks for the update, Junebug. It sounds as if you are handling things very well. I especially like your solution for the keys.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2014
    Good for you junebug. Taking hold and finding solutions is the main way to survive this caregiving process.
    elizabeth* 9/2/14 Good for you, Junebug. Your post sounds like me and DH five or six years ago.