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    I was horrified to go onto the funeral home's website to look at DHs obituary and just see if anyone had sent condolences…and find that they have "upgraded" his obit. to a memorial website and are asking for donations for the next 13 days. They seem to have created a sort of Facebook page and want money to support it. It is tasteless and hurtful, and they will get a piece of my mind tomorrow for sure. I posted a comment saying that the family did not support this, that it had been posted by the funeral home, and that we asked only for thoughts and prayers…certainly not donations. Is this something new? Have any of you seen this before? I am just cringing with embarrassment.
    Oh my, that is disturbing.
    Sorry you are experiencing this also.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeSep 4th 2014
    I didn't notice that when I originally went on the site but I see it now. I'm not familiar with this practice and am not sure what the purpose is. But it' clear that this is something thought up by the funeral home, not by your family. The obituary is very dignified and your husband's service to the country and to the people of New York speak louder than this silly funeral home thing.

    Please don't let this upset you on the eve of your husband's funeral Mass. I'll be thinking of you during the next few days.
    • CommentTimeSep 4th 2014 edited