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    • CommentAuthorRosiek
    • CommentTimeSep 1st 2014
    Does anyone have suggestions on dentures. My husband will no longer allow me to put in his upper denture. The dentist said they fit, he, he doesn't realize they are his dentures. He is in a LTC facility. I had his meals changed to mechanical soft, however the kitchen can't seem to get it right and the food they are serving makes it difficult for him to chew. Last night I took him Mac and cheese and he just kept chewing and wouldn't swallow. I am having a hard time convincing myself it's time to switch to purée. Any thoughts? I'm in the dental field so the technique of putting them in is easy but he now pushes my hand away. He is only 64, started with early onset at 52.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 1st 2014
    I would not worry about them. Interesting - my FIL after years of missing his front teeth got upper dentures. He never liked them. Most of the time he did not wear them and was able to chew food fine. Your husband may be at the stage where even if the food is chewed up he is forgetting how to swallow. Did you try having him drink something after chewing for a while? That might help him to swallow - making certain the food is not big pieces. I would talk to the doctor or dietitian at the LTC about it.
    My husband is in LTC and has at times difficulty swallowing. He gets pureed food but they present in in attractive ways (if you could describe it that way). They have done swallowing tests on him to determine why he has a problem. He eats very well but tends to cough when eating too fast. Has to be fed most of the time so can be controlled on speed. Sometimes they have to be reminded to swallow. Of course if they can't comprehend what you mean then it's not possible. Either my daughter or I try to be there to feed him at lunch time, they want us to do two or three bites and then a drink pinch the straw after just a small drink. The dining room where he eats has residents at all stages of having to be helped to eat. It's difficult to see. You can always try pureed and go back if situation improves. Good luck.