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    I can not get the smell of urine out of my bathroom tile floor - tried bleach pinesol vinegar - any suggestions Thanks
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2014
    You can try products designed for eliminating cat urine. They have enzymes designed to eat away at it. I don't know if it will work with human urine.
    My daughter (who is raising three little grands who urinate everywhere but the toilet, lol) says to make a paste of baking soda and water and let it sit on the areas for awhile. Then wipe that up, and clean the areas with white vinegar.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2014 edited
    Almost half of my house is ceramic tile: the bathrooms, including the shower and vanity areas are, as are the kitchen and its eating area, as well as the laundry, pantry and sunroom.

    My advice is partially based on preference of scents. I like cucumber and am not so much for lavender. I mix up Method Cucumber All Purpose Cleaner, mixed with vinegar mixed with organic non (something) detergent and sometimes add cedarwood oil. Some add club soda or seltzer water.

    Cat urine enzymes work quite well either on their own or as an additive. Personally I would eliminate bleach for many reasons. One of these is that it can encourage remarking I am not at all familiar with enzyme products for dogs...My dear departed Bozena didn't do that!
    I had a cat urine problem on the sofa. Looked up 'remove cat urine' on the computer. Found that a mixture of Listerine & water would work. That's what I tried and it worked. It smelled of Listerine for an hour or so, but that went away. Looking for things like this on the computer works very well for simple home-care options. Maybe the Listerine will work for human urine also. Good luck.