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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJul 18th 2014
    We have requested a transfer for DH to move back to a residence in Alberta. Our Son and Daughter-in-law live there and we moved back to Ontario to get a diagnosis. Two and a half years ago. My health is deteriorating and I need not only medical care but companionship. I'm not getting that here so we are going back. The good thing is that DH will be in a residence that is just for Dementia care. Not mixed disabilities as he is in here. At one of the residences the staff take a special course that is called" walk a mile in a residents shoes" they have some kind if glasses that help simulate what a dementia resident goes through. At least that is what I understand. I will have to do more research on that to be sure what I am saying is correct.
    DH may be moved before I am as I have to sell the house first and that could take sometime.
    It will be better for me as I have a few friends there.
    It will be nice to be invited for a special tea time and dinners at their home and out for an ice cream cone.


    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeJul 18th 2014
    If I remember correctly you will be by Edmonton.....West Edmonton Mall!!! Yes great place to shop.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJul 18th 2014 edited
    There are videos online of that.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2014
    If you stand on my Son's front step you look at West ed. There is just a school yard to cross. We lived a block and a half away as well.
    West Edmonton Mall... Caregivers dream get away. You can get lost there. Very expensive place. Very high end, but I loved to just walk around and window shop.
    There is a great Asian food market. Hugh place with just about everything Asian.
    There is a great Vietnamese restaurant next door to the Market that we loved to have lunch at.
    Target is there as well now.
    I'm afraid my walking will greatly limited now. I will need a walker for sure.
    This transfer could take quite a while so I expect next year some time. I may have to stay here until the house sells but DH will go as soon as he has a bed.

    Hugs Jazzy
    Just for us Americans who don't know the geography, how far away are you now from where the new town is?
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2014
    Picture moving from Syracuse, New York to Billings Montana.
    And for the West Edmonton Mall, read "Mall of the Americas".

    Its quite an undertaking - not like moving the next town over, so Jazzy, I hope all goes well for you!
    That is a lo-oo-oo-ng way. When we moved from NY to Ohio, (around 500 miles), we just left the NY house vacant under the auspices of the realtor, the lawn guys, and the pool girl. It took ten months to sell. In Ohio, we rented something while we looked around for something to buy. (I'm saying "we", but DH was not involved, of course. I used my durable power of attorney when necessary.) Just wondering if anything like that would work for you, Jazzy, or if you are reluctant to leave your house vacant while the realtor markets it for you. One thing I did find out, by the way, was that the homeowners insurance would only cover the vacant house for six months. They then referred me to another company for the same coverage that people with second homes would have to use. It's more expensive, because a vacant house is at higher risk for vandalism, etc.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2014
    I did leave it empty all winter and I may do that this time. It will depend on when DH is transferred. If it is not for another 8 or nine months then I will stay until spring. It all depends on what they say for timeline.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2014
    Our lives get put on hold and at the whim of others so much with this disease. Hate it.
    Others have sold their houses, so hoping yours will sell quickly.

    Are you going to put it on the market before your husband is transferred?

    (((hugs))) for all that is and is going to be going on that stresses us to the limits.