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    Hi everyone! i was so amazed when i came upon this site. My husband has not been diagnosed with Alzheimer's but he does have dementia due to a traumatic brain injury 3 years ago in a motorcycle accident. When I started reading the blogs and messages I literally could not see any difference between the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of members here and my own. I was just struck by the honesty and openness of all of your sharing. I hope I will be welcomed here because I definitely need the support and understanding and information. My dh is 68 and I am 72. I am a retired social worker and he is a retired electrician. Until our last neurologist appointment I did not understand that this dementia is a progressive condition and what was ahead for us. Of course I am scared.
    Larry is still able to do his ADL's although much slower. His memory is progressively getting worse, mood swings are bad and he cannot tell me what bothers him.
    I am trying to get our ducks in a row for the future, have already gotten POA and guardianship. As many of you have commented, it is so hard to be responsible for everything from paying bills to remembering to buy cat food. Most of all like all of you, I miss my husband so bad and it has been such a struggle to realize that he is really gone. Now I just want to make his life as comfortable as possible and hold on to my sanity. I pray I am equal to this journey. I have a son and daughter who live close to me and are so much help but as you know this is a lonesome road. Thanks for listening. Sybil
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2014
    Welcome, Sybil. So sorry you are starting down this long bumpy road of the dementia world. You sound like a very realistic lady in going ahead and getting the POA and guardianship. It will also be a big help in having your supportive daughter and son nearby. You are so right about this being an amazing site for spouses. You can post to rant, vent, seek advice and all will be responded to with caring, understanding and without judgment in the way you feel on any subject. We are here to support you, to understand, and we care.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2014
    welcome Sybil. This site is for all dementias, not just Alzheimer's. Even though there is a difference in FTD, LBD, Alzheimer's, and injury induced dementia - we are all dealing with much the same.
    A big welcome to you, Sybil, to this site where no one really wants to be, but has been and is a life-saver for so many of us. Everyone will be supportive to you so feel free to post anytime.
    • CommentAuthorJudyBC
    • CommentTimeJul 3rd 2014
    Hi Sybil,

    Although my husband had MCI before his brain injury, it has been the dementia caused by the brain injury that has been the hardest to deal with. And yes, trying to accept that the husband you knew and loved is gone. I really miss my husband, too, while I try to deal with who is left. Yes, it is lonely, but I find reading here and occasionally posting has been a help. It feels less lonely to know others are going through and surviving.

    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2014
    Welcome Sybil,

    I've been kicking around this site almost from the beginning and I don't know how I would of dealt with everything these disease throws at us with out this site and the wisdom and support of the members here. Write! we will respond.
    Welcome from a former "Okie" (I guess always an Okie). My husband had vascular dementia caused by strokes probably brought on by years of chemo for Hodgkin lymphoma so there are many of us here whose dh diagnosis wasn't alz. Our journey ended almost two years ago but I still read almost everyday and comment sometimes. You will find acceptance and lots of hugs from everyone on Joan's site. Accepting that my dh had dementia was the first and hardest step for me even when it was evident to others. Then each decline was so challenging I really don't know what my days would have been had I not had the experience of others to read about and know I was not alone. Ask anything and I mean anything and someone will have been there and will share what works - or didn't - for them.
    • CommentAuthorjulie55
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2014
    Hi Sybil. Welcome. You articulate your feelings so well. I don't tend to comment to often on this site but do find great comfort in reading other's comments and realizing I am not alone. I am sure you too will get great support from the wonderful people on this forum the same way I have. Not a journey any of us wish to be on, but it is nice to know there are others we can turn to in our hour of need.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2014
    Hi Sybil,

    Welcome to my website. You have already found that this is a place of comfort and understanding for spouses of dementia patients. It is amazing how alike our emotions are.

    The message boards are only part of this website. Please be sure to log onto the home page - - and read all of the resources on the left side. I recommend starting with "Newly Diagnosed/New Member" and "Understanding the Dementia Experience".

    Do not miss the "previous blog" section. It is there you will find a huge array of topics with which you can relate. There is a "search" feature on the home page that allows you to look up different topics that may have been explored in a previous blog. Log onto the home page daily for new blogs; news updates; important information.

    Welcome to our little family. You will receive lots of support and advice here. Sorry that you are on this journey.