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    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014 edited
    I hate to start a new discussion because I need to vent (whine!), but that's what I'm doing. It's been an interesting time - clothes dryer is going on the fritz, the dishwasher is ready to go, the kitchen faucet just broke (need a new one now!), portable AC for the upstairs went out (got a new one), pipe in the basement leaking - and - a double appointment with a new dentist today for Dan & me (our former dentist died!). Not good news there - Dan has gum disease, cavities, one tooth needs to come out. He simply isn't going to cooperate with the instructions from the dentist (written, hanging on the bathroom mirror). He was a little out of sorts before we went, of course was on his best behavior at the Dr.'s office (you know, all cheery, friendly, etc.). He's really surly now, I don't even want to talk to him about his oral hygiene right now. At least I know now what is probably causing his VERY foul breath! Oh my goodness, but it's bad.
    Just seems Murphy's Law is after us right now.....I'd like to run away from everything. I know everybody goes through these times in life, where everything piles on at once, just seems so much worse with his AD to deal with. He is of absolutely no use around the house anymore - I probably didn't realize just how much he used to do until it's no longer being done.
    This is my evening for chocolate & Bailey's Irish Creme ---- ahhhhh....
    I think I feel better now :)
    My biggest problem is that all I'm seeing are $$$$$$ ! Money I don't even have yet (or ever) is going to be spent. Eyi-yi-yi (ala Ricky Ricardo).
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014
    Know the feeling,Mim.Doesn't seem like everything happens at once,as if we aren't stressed enough.I'll have a Rollling Rock and keep you company while you have your Irish Crème.My theme song is "Make the world go away"
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014
    I like that theme song!!! Enjoy your beer (I'm not a beer person, just occasional wine or Bailey's)!
    • CommentAuthorabauche
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014
    speaking of whining, I get by with my 'wine'. My Dad passed away this week, my Al husband has been especially uncooperative with ADL and I am coming unglued. He has no empathy whatsoever for grief I have regarding my father. It frustrates me that he is so 'good' with home support and doesn't want me to help him anymore. I don't mind looking after him, but I can hardly take him refusing to get help with dressing, toileting, shaving, teeth. This morning when he wouldn't get out of his pj's, I blew up and said, "good now your ready for bed tonight!!!!!"
    Mim I have my wine and whine. Sorry everything is happening at once.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014 edited
    I won't say publicly what I say to Dan when I lose it! I feel bad afterward, but when I've had it up to my eyeballs, I just have to let it out! Thank goodness he doesn't remember it.....
    abauche, I'm sorry to hear of your dad's passing away. Another one of those times when it all just seems to be too much. I'm familiar with the unglued feeling. Things go along steady for a bit, then wham it all hits again. It really does feel, at times, that if there is one more thing, your seams will absolutely come apart, the glue will dry up & you'll fall out in little pieces, all over the floor.

    We're all in this together - different, but together.
    • CommentAuthormyrtle*
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014 edited

    Would your husband allow you to help him with the tooth brushing? For the last year, I have stood next to the sink while my husband brushed his teeth, and I've organized the process for him twice a day. He has a partial, so cleaning his teeth involves removing the appliance, brushing it, brushing the teeth, and then putting it back in.

    I started by telling him that the dentist wanted us to try cleaning his teeth a new way so we were going to try it. I was never crabby, but treated it as though it was a fun experience. (I'd say, "Here's the water, now rinse. Now spit. Good job! Here's the brush! Here's the water again, now rinse. Good job!") I don't know if your husband would cooperate with this but if his problem is that he is too confused to organize the process (which was my husband's problem), it might work.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014
    Mim, isn't it always that way; everything breaks down at once and we have all these unexpected but necessary expenses that MUST be done. In the last 2 years I've replaced central air, furnace, roof, washer/dryer, dishwasher. I've had a major flood (12") in the basement, a bathroom toilet has leaked and ruined my kitchen ceiling and kitchen table, DH needed a root canal at the cost of $3,800, etc. It just never ends and now that I'm no longer working there's no way to recover the money spent with earnings. So much for the golden years and I'm only 63!

    I'm on my 2nd glass of chardonnay and about to eat some chocolate!
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014
    Myrtle, I doubt very much if he would cooperate with me. He's always had this "thing" about being babied, as he calls it. The note taped to the bathroom mirror - he thinks it's for me so I remember to brush my teeth!

    LFL, it seems you've had many more overwhelming things in the last 2 years than we have! Although the wonderful guy we've had as a plumber just called, & he's gotten a different & better job! Now I have to find someone else & the kitchen faucet just keeps dripping away! And I mean really dripping (running!).

    It will all work out somehow, this too shall pass, but it sure makes for stress!
    I have the same issue with the dentist and brushing. DH loves our dentist. All the women in the office just make over him. He has lost a tooth to not brushing. His breath for awhile would stop you on your tracks. Now at night I stand there while brushing my teeth and get his out. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. Sorry all the things are going on. Knock on wood this is the first summer the lawn mower has not been I. The shop. 2 batteries though. DH leaves the key on. I did fix 2 toilets one sink dripping and repaired a ceiling from the toilet leaking.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    mim many of us have dealt with the oral hygiene issues. maybe one of the electric toothbrushes would be easier? or if not, there are sponges on a stick I use with a little mouthwash and watered down hydrogen peroxide to clean the teeth. they are disposable and work well without a lot of hoopla to clean inside of mouth. if you can slip him an altoid (break it up)first? spraying inside the mouth with a bottle of diluted hydrogen peroxide will help with healing and cleaning out mouth if nothing else. if he does well with dentist then more trips once a month for hygiene may be needed. good luck. things do tend to pile up at once. so frustrating.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    My wife uses an electric toothbrush and I think it helps a lot. When I watch her brush I am somewhat horrified, she uses the electric one like it was manual. But she has good checkups.

    But she does brush and doesn't need prompting to do so at this point.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    Yesterday took the car in for the 120,000 maintenance stuff. On the way home 'bells' went off, the dashboard lite up with warning signs and check engine, the computer screen (it is a hybrid) lite up with 3 different symbols. All the book said was get to a dealer as soon as possible. I managed to get the service guy but he had no idea and all the technicians had gone home. Took it in this morning to find out it was inverter fluid low which is one of the things they changed. They think an air bubble got in there and when it dislodged triggered the alarms. Now it is fine.

    Lost it with hb today. The place has only been vacuumed once in the 4 weeks since my surgery. It took me 3 days to get him to do it 2 weeks ago. I have asked him at least 4 times in the last 3 days to vacuum because I am not suppose to until 4 weeks (which is today). I was mad as I started and he says he would do it. I yelled at him and he said I never asked him but he always takes my word that I did. I then yelled at him that he never wants to help me but has always been willing to help others. He said no and said you are always helping Patty and Paula which he denied. I told yes he does -they call and he runs. Then I told him I should be use to it since that is the way it has been most of our marriage!

    I dread tomorrow and need to change my mindset before then. Last week DIL asked if I would watch the kids while her and a friend go to serve my son divorce papers. I told her I would but the kids had to understand no jumping on grandma and I can't do a lot of physical things with them. They will spend a lot of time in the pool which means I will be sitting there for the hours they are in the pool.

    oh well, such is life!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    Charlotte, I'm sorry you're so frustrated..perhaps Patty or Paula could vacuum if Art always helps them. I know it's a stressful time for both of you. Maybe DIL could do a quick vacuum when she returns? Just trying to find some help for you.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014

    I am sorry for your loss- please accept my sympathy.


    Maybe I am mentioning something you already husband developed terrible periodontal problems with his FTD. His periodontist felt that the medication Dilantin (phenytoin, or close) was the main cause. My husband's lack of interest certainly didn't help either. I don't know if this med could be a factor for you but I just thought I would throw it out.

    I also used the sponges divvi mentioned. Response to a Rx rinse was also favorable. I could look up the name of it if you are interested. He had used a battery operated brush for years but as the disease progressed the sound aggravated him. Oh- although it is not Rx or hydrogen peroxide based, he always liked the flavor of cinnamon rather than mint and would pretty regularly use Act.


    Chardonnay, Bailey's, chocolate, beer, whatever gives us some pleasure.....
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    Abby*, I would like the name of the RX rinse...we're going through this right now. Might be a problem though, he doesn't know to rinse and spit out.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    Hi, LFL,

    My pleasure! It is chlorhexidine gluconate. The brand name is Peridex; it has been available as a generic for several years. I have heard and read complaints about the taste. I actually like it, but then I don't mind rinsing with hydrogen peroxide either. It is supposed to be used twice a day but my husband never used it that often. The other main consideration is that nothing should be consumed- food or drink- for an hour after use. Mostly because of that he would only use it at night even "before" as he had to get to Starbucks or the equivalent in the am.

    I remember that I would dip the sponges that divvi referred to in it (for him not myself). It is no Cinnamon Act, that's for sure.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    fyi= I would use the rx chlorhexidine on the spongy thing and not have them rinse if they don't remember not to swallow. and its not supposed to be used for long periods as it can turn the mouth blue. or so I was told. I have some here and use it periodically on sponges with DH but like yours mine cant rinse and swallows anything you put in his mouth. his beautiful teeth are also suffering from this disease as well with all the meds diluted in applesauce they caused a lot of enamel breakdown over the years. so sad. everything suffers.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    I never thought of the meds, myself, but the dentist has the list of them. Maybe the next visit, I'll ask him.. as far as the rinse goes, this dentist & his assistant want both of us to use Listerine Zero, a very light purple color, to help combat the whatever is going on in his mouth. Dan has become very lax about his oral hygiene. Never had much problem with his teeth & now just doesn't think to take extra care. If he doesn't, I can just see all of his teeth falling out! There will be NO dentures!
    At least my kitchen faucet will be fixed tomorrow, bought a new one today. I've always loved new things for the kitchen, but not under the circumstances I find myself in now! Oh, and the freezer in the fridge was kind of defrosting for some reason - had to throw some things away, had to bake some loaves of Rhodes bread dough since they were thawing in the freezer. At least, Dan helped me unload the freezer & take things to the bigger freezer in the basement. Thank goodness the meat was still okay. The check engine light has come on in my car, too, Charlotte - oy, it never ends! (the freezer seems to okay now, froze the ice cubes again).

    Thanks for all the suggestions concerning the dental issues. This has been bookmarked (as have many!) for future reference.
    I guess life goes on, bad days & all. No Baileys tonight, took an anti-anxiety pill earlier. That will be enough, as I would like to wake up in the morning! At least I think I would like to - some mornings, I wonder!

    You're all so appreciated - thank you.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    I forgot to mention, that as far as helping him to brush, or even watching him would cause SUCH an uproar. I'm not sure the electric toothbrush would work either - "haven't done it for 70 + years, & I'm not going to do it now"! He's obviously an extremely stubborn man & very prideful, which in my estimation, is a false pride. That's a whole other story, though! :D
    Charlotte, I don't know if it is something that makes sense for you, but it may be time to pay someone to come in and do a little light housekeeping. I've started paying for four hours a week of a private aide, and, unlike the Hospice aides, she will do dusting, vacuuming, laundry, clean the sinks…although care for DH comes first, of course. She started last week, and I was astonished what a difference it made just to have things dusted and kitchen all wiped up and shiny, and floors done. It seems like I should be able to keep the house up myself--it is a small place--but fatigue and constantly being "on deck" for DH seems to take a toll. And you've just been going through your own ordeal, so it's worse. In terms of childcare, we have just found that I can't do much and care for DH, too. It is one of the real life issues--just another Alzheimers loss--that we AD caregivers can't have as much involvement with the grands as we would like. I hate this disease--it messes up family life.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 26th 2014
    elizabeth - I live in a motorhome so cleaning is different than a regular home. I did vacuum and was fine.

    today with the grandkids went great. At first grandson was challenging me at ever thing so I called his mom and told her she needed to talk to him. Turns out when he found mom was going to see dad, he wanted to go and see daddy too. We then went to the pool for 2 1/2 hours - thankfully the sun was behind clouds so they didn't get too sunburnt but I was sitting in the chair the whole time and have my 'rudolph' nose. Game back, set up the ladder golf and they thought that was fun. Let the little bugger use my kindle to play a frog game. He went to the app store and downloaded 5 games - thankfully all free ones. He says - grandma I made sure they were free games. What 6 year old know now! She didn't make it back until 9, so it was a long day but good.
    Happy to hear your day went well, Charlotte. Hope that nose isn't too sunburned!
    It's astonishing how good the little ones are at technology. Sounds like a fun day!