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    Our 13 year old grandson spent the weekend with my DH and I. I enjoyed his company and tried to make
    special memories with him.

    He is a kind, caring boy and his mother has explained the disease to him. However, she told me he said"Grandpa's not nice to Grandma." Sad but true...I am the recipient of all his frustration and anger. Yet, as an AD spouse, my role is to
    remain calm, understand, love and take care of him.

    How does that make me feel when my every moment, my life, revolves around his care and our future???
    Sad, hurt, resentful, anxious, angry, drained, scared, .........

    His words have struck a chord with me ....I cannot deny them.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2014
    Lorrie, It is amazing that an innocent young teen clearly sees the struggle for a caregiver while most adults don't understand or live in denial about the toll caregiving takes on us. I think being a caregiver is like being trapped in a cocoon. The longer we care give the tighter the cocoon becomes and we cannot emerge to be a butterfly and be free to live. Your grandson appears to be a caring person and one whose observation while visiting has you putting on your thinking cap about your life. I wish the best for you in your future decisions. No decision is ever perfect and nothing about this monster is easy. You deserve serenity. Good luck, Lorrie.
    Lorrie, I know that this hurts. My nine year old grandson said almost the same thing. He also says that MIMI has to do everything, Papa does not do anything!! It is so hard to explain to children.
    DD told me that my 5-year-old grandson told her that he does not want to get old. (Due to his constantly observing the care issues for my DH). He said that when you are old you cannot walk anymore.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014
    Elizabeth, that is sad. Out of the mouths of babes!