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    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2014
    My husband has been doubly incontinent for about 6 months now. One of the biggest challenges is keeping his depends with a booster pad inside on at night. He typically rips out the pad and will often rip off the depends. So when he wakes up in the am he's wet, the sheets are wet (I even use the quilted protective pads on top of and under the fitted sheet) and often the blanket is wet.

    Efforts to keep on the depends and the pad at night have failed...and I know he absolutely would NOT tolerate 2 depends on him at night. A urology nurse suggested trying either boxer briefs or compression shorts over the depends to make it more difficult for him to get at the pad and the depends. She recommended using either of those products because they allow air circulation rather than the plastic pants I was ready to buy.

    I haven't tried this approach yet but plan on buying some this weekend and I will update you on our progress. I thought I would share this tip just in case anyone else is having this problem and hasn't yet found a solution. There are many good suggestions in the incontinence thread but none have worked so far.

    Wish me luck!
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2014
    LFL - my DH wears boxer briefs over his pull ups, and it seems to work well to hold them in place, more snugly to his body than if he were wearing the pull ups alone. It would be quite an effort to rip off the pull ups - I know how long it takes for him to lower the boxer briefs and then take off the pull ups when he is toileting. There are times when I wish we had more than one bathroom in our house! :-)

    I hope this solution works for you - and yes, good luck!