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    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2014
    I hope, I hope, I hope this can be an educational opportunity for the public...
    I think I saw that one coming.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2014 edited
    Are we sure that's the dx or is it some kind of ploy? Sorry to be so cynical, but he has a lot to lose.

    Mary, maybe because I'm in a bad place today, but he's "old" and that's what the public knows about dementia, it's an "old" persons disease. So what if he has it? He's old. And you know how America treats it's aging population.

    edited to add: of course his estranged wife wanted him to be declared "incompetent" so she could make the 2 billion dollar deal.
    This is one of the first things I thought because people who are anti-Semitic, anti-black, etc, are often paranoid, a hallmark of dementia not generally understood. Long before Sterling, I have felt such symptoms could be identified with dementia. The man who recently killed 3 Catholics outside of Jewish buildings had an anti-Jewish rant that made no sense, clearly demented. It is interesting that in Sterling's anti-black rant, he never even used the n-word. Something seemed amiss, but the public will likely think it's a ploy. Anyway, it's frightening to me that we cannot even express ourselves in the privacy of our own home without being pilloried. We've all said and heard things that we wouldn't want on the front page of the newspaper.
    The other mystery about this…. his girlfriend is half black. So what he was saying was making no since. My first thought was dementia. I think his paranoia was more over the possibility of his girlfriend running off with a younger man, not so much a black man. Just my thoughts.

    Just on the news here, an older person ran a car through a building. Did not even try to break. I often wonder if dementia is in play when something like this happens??