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    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2014
    I decided to do a little thing for myself yesterday and have finally engaged a service to do lawn and garden maintenance for us. I've wanted to do this for a few years now, but always hesitated because I figured DH would put up a stink. Well, he's at the point where he doesn't seem to care and he's not definitely not interested (and probably not capable) in doing it himself. I hemmed and hawed about the cost and reworked our budget to give myself this perk. I already feel a surge of energy to tackle other tasks and will feel better about the external appearance of our home. Now on to tackle the inside!
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2014
    Elaine K, isn't it incredible how doing one positive thing for ourselves can give us the energy to tackle other tasks?
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2014
    Good for you Elaine. Most importantly YOU deserve it!
    Good for you! You deserve to have that off your "things to worry about" list. I get at least one massage every month. It is therapy for a hip ailment but also something that I worked into our budget for ME! I agree bqd, we are better able to function after we have allowed ourselves a bit of luxury.
    Elaine K, That's the way I felt last winter when I hired someone to plow our driveway. We had a snowblower, but it was too big for me to handle. I practically gave it away and got someone with a plow on a pickup and never touched a snow shovel the rest of the winter. Well, I did make a path across the patio for the dog. He's a 7 pound toy poodle and can't wade through more than a few inches.

    The next step will be yard work. This year I have to watch the money as we need a new roof.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2014
    Elaine K,

    I think that is wonderful! It has been two years since I had any major yard/lawn work done. The previous owner was a landscape contractor and so I inherited a lot of extras- flagstone patio areas, brick walkways and borders, etc.- and I let it go to waste. Just too overgrown and messy. About three weeks ago I had enough and someone has been here for the last ten days. Not done yet, and then I will have to keep it up; that is a goal.

    You said, "I already feel a surge of energy to tackle other tasks and will feel better about the external appearance of our home. Now on to tackle the inside!"

    I could have written that...I've never had a weakness for shoes but handbags are another thing. Yesterday I spent hours going through and packing up so many that were just sitting in an extra closet. Now they will be going to local charities that operate thrift stores. It feels great!

    A couple of months ago I packed up most of my husband's clothing to donate and that too felt so good.
    Yep, that first step into new waters is enabling. I have my kitchen lights done but now I want to add the laundry room and a couple more recessed lights over the kitchen table...and I have the foyer light and want to change the one in the dining room too..found one, very costly but so much has the lightbulbs inside tiny wine, one a champaign flute, one martini glass...all tiny....and one for the foyer...well it has the gold tone to harmonize with my living room fixture, going from one room to the next is pretty open....but the really big biggie is getting up the nerve for the estimate on the drive way. At present it is asphalt and I would love pavers....big dreams....but the wallet well that is the dictator! I don't have Ozzie now to argue with me over making the adjustments now it is just the check book!!!As Charlie Brown would say " Arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh" LOL