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    Anyone have any experience with a "super pubic catheter"? They want to do another surgery on my husband as we can't get the water works going again after hip surgery. Catheter has been in and out twice in attempts to get things going but no luck. I think it's too soon to do another surgery at this point.
    jules a supra pubic catheter is a good idea. Much less chance of an infection that through a regular one. Much more comfortable for the patient. Less likely to be tugged on or pulled out. It's not really surgery-more like just a puncture.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2014
    Is this ever good info for me!!

    My DH has enlarged prostate and is now getting up four or five times a night. They will likely have to do something in the future and maybe it will be a catheter. They will not do prostate surgery. There is no cancer just enlarged.



    Jazzy, could they do a TURP?
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2014
    I didn't know anything about it until thus posting. I don't think he would let them at this point but it is good to know about it for later. I can then make sure they do it then.

    Nightmare!! Supra pubic must be done 21 days before going into the new ALF so I decided to move him with a catheter in place to get used to the new home. He could then have the procedure, go to a nursing home for the rehab days, and then back to a now familiar home. Not what happened. In the last few days the care people were moving him and forgot the catheter bag on the floor. Standing on it someone tried to hoist him onto the bed and in the process ripping the catheter tube through his penis. They then decided to just call the home health nurse to come but didn't notify me of this incident. Since I'm not in charge of changing him anymore I didn't see this until yesterday when I was there for the nurse to change the catheter. She tried to downplay it and I thought what do I know, maybe I'm making too big a deal. But I came home and did some research and couldn't sleep so I called home health first thing and asked them to send over a different nurse to get a second set of eyes to look. She said I should get him to a urologist. Trying to find a dr. and now a new home as I don't trust this facility anymore. Crap!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2014
    Ouch poor guy. I can only imagine how much it hurt. And the idiots who did needs to be reprimanded. Hope it , works out ok for you both.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2014
    oh jules. how dreadful for both of you. that had to hurt terribly. please do make sure he gets attention and checked out by uro. he could have torn something inside. poor dear. and give him something for pain even if its Tylenol or such. just to be sure. infection from a tear internally will be a concern so be cautious.
    how sad. they should definitely let you know! not good and they need you to voice your complaints in writing. just for futures in case something comes up from this accident. divvi
    Took him to ER and got referred to a urologist. Scheduled surgery for tuesday. Supra pubic catheter and repair. Geez. Can't go back to the ALF for 21 days. Now what? Where do we go for those days?
    MC will pay for up to 20 days if skilled care is needed. This is in a skilled nursing facility.
    Bluedaze*5-5-10, is MC Medicare or Medicaid? My understanding was that for Medicare to authorize his stay he would need to be in-patient in a hospital for three days and require skilled care. The surgery is anticipated to be maybe an overnight only because of his dementia. Unless something goes wrong, which I don't want to hope for, it looks like I pay for skilled nursing facility and the ALF out of pocket at the same time. The only thing I can think is I may be able to get a reduction at the ALF as he wouldn't actually be there so the level of care they assess would be 0. Meaning a basic charge rather than the highest level of care they assessed for him.
    Jules I'm talking about Medicare and you are correct about the three day hospital stay.
    Maybe you can just keep him home with high hours home care in place for the 21 days. I would also be talking to a lawyer. It sounds to me like standards of practice were not being met in the place where he got hurt. In transferring patients with catheters for 45 years (as a young aide and then as a nurse), I have never seen an accident like that happen. The catheter bag and tubing should not have been touching the ground in the first place, much less stepped on, much less not knowing where all the equipment was while they were doing the transfer. It sounds like frank incompetence and negligence to me. Maybe the lawyer can get the facility to settle out of court and at least pay for your home care. Just some thoughts.