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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    Well here I am flat on my back, can't sit. I hurt my lower back last week and it is very painful. Sitting upright is out of the question and bending over is terrible as well.

    Who cares for one of us when we run into this kind of problem. The phone doesn't ring, no one comes to the door. I would love to have my meals made and someone to just drop in to help me have a shower, but it seems with the long weekend, everyone is gone to the cottage or out in the boat.

    My son and daughter in law from out west were here but they just took me out to dinner twice, I could hardly sit. It was nice to have someone to eat with , but my back sure hurt. I had trouble eating. Then they were off again. They talk about moving us out there so they can look after us, but when we were there we hardly saw them.

    I know ' I'm feeling sorry for myself and your right. Kevan wants to know when I will be coming to visit him but can't realize that right now I can't sit so I can't drive. He is pouting right now and very depressed.

    I guess if this doesn't settle down soon I will have to go to the Dr. But I have a deformity in my lower spine and they can't fix it, Born this way. I was stupid and got ticked off waiting for someone to come and move a box for me and did it myself. I guess I will have to be patience or hire someone to come and finish the unpacking.

    Thanks for listening.

    I can't take many of the pain pills as they are not good for asthma.


    Sorry Jazzy.
    I understand your pain. It sometimes feels like all we do is spend our life taking care of someone.

    We just want the person who always took care of us to be there now. The stark realization is so heartbreaking...our spouse is no longer able to take care of us . must remember..we all must take special care of ourselves. No more heavy boxes!

    Take care and feel better.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    Thanks Lorrie

    Your right, no more boxes!!


    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    Please take care of yourself. No more lifting. And if you do go to the doctor, and he makes recommendations on how to treat your back, follow his instructions!
    I'm still recovering from my gall bladder surgery, and even though my DH is here with me, he really can't care for me - and it is so difficult to explain to him that I can't do everything I used to do, and I need help, and this is how he can help. But I also know that if I don't follow the surgeon's instructions, I will be even longer recovering (or face additional surgery).

    Can you call social services in your area tomorrow and see if you can get some help? I know you are probably reluctant to do that, but there comes a time when you need the services that your tax dollars provide.

    Hugs to you!
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    Physio has always helped me to recover the fastest. Strongly recommend them.
    Jazzy, can you get into the shower at all? To just stand in some position you can tolerate, and run hot water onto your back? How about taking over-the-counter pain meds in between the doses of your prescription pain meds? Or just call your doctor and see if there are any other suggestions for pain control? (And based on my own experiences with relatives wanting you to move out-of-state so they can "help" you---be extremely skeptical. They are probably well-meaning, but their lives are always, always going to come first, especially if there are children involved. I've seen it happen professionally, too, in my years as a nurse. "Old grandma" moves back "home" from Florida or where ever, and ends up lonely and isolated as her "loving family" are involved with their own concerns, and not really there for her. Stay where your supports are, relatives or no.)
    would a massage therapist coming in help? ugh poor you. Physio too as mary75* suggests. Get better Jazzy, I sure would come over and help you if I was there.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    I just finished a small pork chop, corn and peroxide lunch.
    I was able to stand long enough to cook it and stand to eat it.
    I am going to try to get into physio tomorrow if I don't need to see a dr. First and hopefully that will work.
    Kevan was ready to try to order the kids to come and take care of me but that is not going to work. I told him to leave it alone. I will call an agency for help tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the support.

    Thank Coco. You are so kind.


    Peroxide lunch??
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2014
    Yeh?Peroxide lunch?Jazzy,My back was also so bad that I couldn't sit and definitely not bend over even the slightest amount. I stood all day until bedtime.But morning had to rollout of bed. I started taking something called "Naturelief".It is bromelain made from pinapple.It worked better than Vicodin for me.Box says for moderate pain but worked on my severe backache.I still take one every day when I get up ,took 2 each AM when I started and again in PM
    I thought maybe "peroxide lunch" was a Canadian thing, eh?
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2014
    Damn iPad

    You guys are fast and funny!! lOL

    When it doesn't recognize what you type it chooses what it thinks you mean. I didn't notice. I meant " perogie" love them. Easy to cook just toss them frozen into boiling water for 6 minutes drain and use sour cream or butter or fried onions on them. The are made of dough, cut into a circle and filled with your favourite potato filling. They can have cheese or onions. They can be boiled with fried onions and sour cream or butter they can be deep fried with sour cream.

    I had to be taken to the emerg yesterday as I was unable to sit stand or lay down. They did X-rays and gave me a shot to help with the pain. I have a a degenerative disc and it has been there for ever. I guess when I got ticked at my kids I lifted that box and that was enough to screw it up. It is inflamed so an anti inflammatory for that. I would love to go and have a shower but can't stand long enough. I will try later after the pain pills take effect.

    I know now how our loved ones feel when things are not done as usual. I'm kind of afraid to try it on my own in case I fall.


    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2014
    Jazzy, so sorry about your back. Try and rest and take it easy so you can recover.

    So "peroxide lunch" isn't a Canadian thing? ;>)
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2014

    You are funny! No not Canadian. I'm like Wolf, looking for someone to bring me a Beavertail.LOL
    .....My daughter has a back problem very similar to yours. The Dr. said it is arthritis.
    She finds comfort sitting in a big recliner so that she is almost lying down, She places
    a pillow behind her head so she can watch TV.............
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2014
    Just a question (I don't have back problems, just every other joint with RA), would acupuncture work?
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2014
    Acupuncture did not help my arthritis,did really good on my asthma and sinus.
    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2014 edited
    Jazzy did you ever find any one to help you through this? Who took the puppy out? I know our poor dog suffered for attention during DHs recent "poopfest". At one point I could tell she wanted to go out and I was in the middle of another big clean up and I thought "if she goes on the floor too that's going to put me right over the edge!"

    Is your back feeling any better?