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    I'm disappointed no one has suggested a picnic for Memorial weekend. Anyone interested? The strawberries are ripe in my garden now so I could bring them and each person can make their own cake or maybe someone could bring homemade ice cream and strawberries could go on that. Let me know if you want to be there and tell me where.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2014
    Florence what a good idea. its been a while since we had virtual parties. in texas we have good BBQ for memorial day. so i will bring brisket,, ribs, and sausage and good bbq sauce! its a feast and very delishous and will go well with your berries. can we make some of those fresh berries into super homemade strawberry ice cream?? yummmm.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2014
    I'm here on the coast so I will bring sunshine, shrimp and Gumbo. Heck, I'll even bring the sweet tea.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2014
    I am getting good at 'dump cobbler' so I will bring a mixed fruit dump cobbler along with lots of sunshine and 75 degree weather (perfect temp for me, hope it is for others).
    I want Wolf to bring Beaver Tails. I will make some passion fruit syrup to glaze over them. I want to eat a huge giant one and don't even consider calories or cellulite.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2014
    what are: calories and cellulite??????
    tee hee, calories and cellulite were not in the dictionary when I I guess it was all my imagination all these years! ( :
    I was the party planner...sort of the unofficial party planner and have fallen off the wagon for those duties in the past 9 months... You are right..we need a party and I need a break from all the post legal matters and taxes and now the unending sorting of papers etc that seems to take so long to wade through.

    Now the heat has finally broken here on the Central Coast and it is now once again mild. Our beaches are wonderful but with the heat inland, we will be swamped with people coming in from the Valley. However in our area there are STRAWBERRY FESTIVALS and those big too big to believe berries are once again know the kind you see on Sheri's Berries...yep those kind of biggies.

    Coco, what on earth are beaver tails? Do you barbque em?

    Oh and I have a new recipie ( oh hell I never could spell that word ) for an Italian mini cake. They kinda look like cookies but are actually little cakes made with Ricotta Cheese...and of course chocolate chips are optional but not in my word that I can't spell version..they are a must and they are soooo sooo good....I'll bring those...Who is bringing watermelon?
    I could bring watermelon but with the shape my back is in, I don't think I could carry it so I'll bring a Mississippi Mud Cake! If you're not familiar with this, it's a rich, rich chocolate cake with other rich ingredients.
    Sounds great! I will bring a huge salad with everything from my garden including edible flowers.

    I want to try a beaver tail too. I think it was around Christmas Wolf told us about them. Been wanting to try one ever since.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2014
    I googled it and this is what I think Wolf is referring to: BeaverTails and Queues de Castor are a Canadian-based chain of pastry stands operated by BeaverTails Canada Inc. The chain's namesake product is a line of fried dough pastries, individually hand stretched to resemble a beaver’s tail.[1] The BeaverTails pastry is similar to several other fried dough pastries and is topped with a choice of sweet condiments and confections, such as whipped cream, banana slices, crumbled oreos, and Nutella

    highlight and search this.....a virtual smorgasbord of beaver tails mmm look so good
    Bama I love the gumbo from your part of the country. None like it anywhere else I've been. Bring lots!!!
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2014
    Will do and I'll bring Wolf some cheese grits. I believe he was the one that didn't like grits. We will see if we can change his mind.
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2014
    Believe it or not, I found two recipes for moose balls, Coco's favourite. I'll bring both kinds. One is sweet. The other is more robust.
    I will bring the homemade ice cream. We love to make it. I will bring good coleslaw. It is away a great with BBQ. I will bring sunscreen. A nice big quilt to sit on.
    Is the coleslaw sweet or vinegar? My choice is sweet. Now where are we going? Of course the weather will be sunny and mild wherever we are. I'm a G.R.I.T.S. but haven't ever found the grits I want to eat. (for some of you that is Girl Raised In The South)
    Florence, I will bring both
    Robust moose balls,.....WOW!!! (?)

    I had a niggling feeling I knew what beavertails were Wolf. My Mom was from Saskatchewan, and moved to BC where we were all born and raised. She used to make homeade bread, the good old white fluffy mmmm kind. She would heat up some really hot oil, and take some of the dough and stretch it out wide and flat, and deep fry. Then sprinkle a little sugar on top, us pile of kids would be salivating and trying to get first in line. She called them "grandfathers", ever heard that?
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    No I never heard of it described that way. They're all donuts of some kind like Charlotte said. Dough deepfried with some sugary thing. Like Berliners not squished. Squish a Berliner and you pretty much have a beavertail. So even JFK knew what they were when he said "Ich binn eine beavertail".
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    I have not heard where this picnic is so I suggest we all meet at Coco's - warm, tropical, beaches, sunshine, etc.

    At the fairs around here we have them and love them.
    sounds good Charlotte! And, seeing as this is well...virtual...I will buy all your tickets and put you up and give you spending money. We can have it down at Punaluu black sand beach.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    I'll even put on the bathing suit hanging in the closet that has never been wet. And, no, divvi, it does not come down to my knees. The legs are still pretty good. Everything else is sagging.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    I could use a nice,warm, sunny break - any interest in a big bowl of my mom's - style potato salad? Very midwest traditional & my mouth is watering :)
    I went to Punaluu black sand beach a long time ago, 1988 I think. We went to Hawaii for a meeting then spent a week at Kona. We had a car and went all over the island. But I digress, I will bring the deviled eggs.
    I am bring gator bites, swamp cabbage, and gator aid, caladium bulbs, and phried popsicles, a pickup truck tailgate, and three rednecks.
    and your new partner Phranque!! We look forward to meeting you and her, and of course the rednecks.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2014
    I assume Black Sand beach is within walking distance to your place - need bathrooms nearby for us old folks!
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2014
    I'll bring Shoo Fly Pie.Coco, do you have flies where you live?Makes the pie better if you have flies to shoo off.
    coco - niggling feeling? never heard that one -- is that Canadian? My Canadian granddaughter-in-law never heard of beaver tails could be she lived on the wrong coast being from near Toronto. Will love seeing the black sand beach again -- been awhile.
    Lots of good Hawaii flies here for the Shoo fly. No sweat on that one.
    I have a niggling feeling....( would be better to have the party in my back yard, lots of picnic tables and the garden is pretty. More privacy in case Phraque's antics are too embarrassing. The empty wooded lot next door can have a virtual apartment block with just enough suites for all of you. There will be a coconut and a papaya in each room. Also some Tahiti coconut oil to slick up and keep away any mosquitoes. Come one, come all.
    Coco, Thank you so much for your hospitality. We are all on planes now and will descend on you in a few hours. I can't wait to see everyone.

    Coming in late to the party, I will bring strawberry shortcake. Piled high with fresh berries. Plenty of whipped cream. Also will go good with the homemade ice cream that jackiem is making.

    See ya soon…...
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2014
    Saw a great looking drink posted today called pineapple whip - fresh frozen pineapple and coconut milk blended into a great looking drink.
    they have started checking in in the virtual apartments on the lot next door. Fed Ex has been paid to transfer all our goods fresh. I harvested a fresh pineapple , grated some fresh husked coconut, and picked up some rum, for Charlotte's recipe. A great send off for your small hospital stay Charlotte!
    Smooth plane ride -- even got a short nap! See everyone soon. Nice weather - no humidity - no bugs. Can't wait for the fresh pineapple yum! I love coconut can't remember when I had fresh one tho. Just some "sweet tea" for me.
    Florence I will whip you one up with no alcohol, and you can still have your sweet tea. Hope you like your little apartment next to my place....(: you were the first to arrive so first pick. Yes of course! NO bugs, humidity, or rain...all is perfect.

    Oh....I hear some voices, I think it is the gang of Canadians arriving, and they packed over fresh beavertails.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2014
    The beavertails'll be here bye the bye. First you must answer three questions. Out of ten so not too bad.

    One. In what prairie town is Ruby's cafe?

    Two. What's the name of the sneaky Brit who climbed up the back way to suprise Montcalm?

    Three. What prime minister talked to his dead mother through a ouiji board?

    Four What road in Canader goes right up to the arctic ocean?

    Five. Why was Canada stripped of the gold medal in snowboarding?

    Six. What Canadian did a pirouet behind the queen caught on camera?

    Seven. What famous republican are lawyers in Alberta lined up now to help renounce his citizenship for free.

    Eight. The United States fought the war of independence to be free of Britain. What war did Canada fight for the same reason.

    Nine: What Indian nation fought alongside Canada to repell the Americans at Queenston Heights. For bonus points what was the Indian leaders name.

    Ten: What is the name of Toronto`s mayor and what is he famous for.

    Answer these questions three and beavertails be yours.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2014
    I am so enjoying this picnic. Sun, tropical breezes, perfect temperature, great food and drinks and the best friends to picnic with in the world.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2014
    And I am enjoying yet another example that the true north is perfectly safe from - anyone frankly. Even in mid setence talking about Canada people forget what they were talking about.

    The answers were:

    1. Dog River. There is no such place but almost all Canadians know it.
    2. General Wolfe. Plains of Abraham.
    3. King. Wingnut.
    4. One. The Dempster highway In Alberta.
    5. Dope. Our olympic gold medalist was high at the time. Wasn't that harder is the Canadian question.
    6. Trudeau. Making fun of the queen and caught on camera.
    7. Ted Cruz. He has dual citizenship but was born in Canada.
    8. None. We asked Britain nicely.
    9. The Mohawks. Techumseh was the leader.
    10. Ford. He smokes crack.

    And one more boring bit of Canadian history. We fought one of our first battles with you in 1812 on Chrysler farm in southern Ontario east of what was then York (now Toronto). That is the same Chryslers that later started a car company which then moved to Detroit. zzzzzzzzzzz.
    LOL Wolf, Just now checking in…. I got # 10 right without looking that one up. To much late night tv. : ))))
    LOL too Wolf.

    I live in Canada and read all the questions yesterday and only knew the answer to #10.
    Thank you for the other answers :-)

    I agree Charlotte ...the best friends to picnic with in the world.
    • CommentAuthorAnnMW1157*
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2014
    Phranque!!! Obviously I have been gone far too long if I don't know about your lady friend! ;)
    What a great picnic with all my friends. Coco you are the best hostess ever! Sure hope someone plans another picnic -- maybe 4th of July? aloha
    It was a party to remember, thank you all for coming! I am off to town now to tell Dado how much we missed him there.

    just may have seen this video, but it is sweet. The only thing is....the man is still so aware, it breaks my heart that so many of our mates are nowhere near his cognizant level. Anyway..the part that made me cry...was the cop handing over the money...

    edit to will be very tough for the wife, when he forgets Mother's Day.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2014
    Coco, thanks for sharing this video clip. It was so very touching and sweet. I hope you have a nice visit with Dado. Give him a hug from me too. :)