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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2014
    I plan to put a direct link to this on the home page, but for now, please check out George's songs and videos on You Tube.

    If that doesn't work, go to You Tube and search for Song by George Streit

    There are other songs by George up there also. Thanks to Wolf for helping George out with the technicality of it all.

    ....I want to thank Joan and Wolf and all the friends who responded to my emails for their help and comments.
    It ain't much fun to be a great song writer if you can't get anyone to listen to your song.
    ....After going through the very difficult years, and being too old for a new start in life, It's been great to have all my friends from the bad years helping me now enjoy the fun years of playing around, writing stories and songs.
    Beautiful…….. both words and video.
    Well, I'm impressed. : D
    I enjoy your whole website.

    Listen to your songs, view your pictures ,read your thoughts...

    Glad you are sharing your life and wisdom.

    Keep it up.
    I just spent some more time listening to George's music and looking at his family videos and slides on Youtube…also went to the website and read through a lot of it. DH was sitting here at the table and I was helping him eat and also taking him back and forth to the bathroom ("No, don't touch your poop!" etc., sigh). It was nice to see George and Helen having all those good times with family and friends. It used to be like that for me and DH, too, although neither of us were big on capturing it all with pictures. We were so often in the company of others--the phone was always ringing--but our alone times were fantastic, too. We were just as happy dressed in grubs and draining the pond as when he was in a tux and me in bugle beads and high heels going to some fancy affair. I can see that Helen and George enhanced each other--she seemed happier and more confident after their marriage than in the early, young pictures. It was like that for DH and me, too, the sum was greater than either of the two halves. George is an inspiration, I would have to say.