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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 13th 2014 edited
    Kevan's family has a history of this disease. He mothers brother and three of his son's have died from it. This week end one of those son's passed away. He was diagnosed about two months ago and went downhill fast. I was talking to his wife on the phone two weeks ago and he came in and was angry because he couldn't find his golf balls. He sounded really agitated. I hung up and found out later that she had to lock herself in the bathroom and call 911. They took him away in an ambulance with the help of the Police. The next day he had a massive heart attack and went into a coma. He then had two big strokes. He lingered for a couple of days but passed away this week end.
    He had AD, and Vascular. He was to have more tests and with his behaviour it sounds like bv fronto would have popped up in there.
    I'm sad he is gone but happy that he will not have to be going through years of decline. Happy for the family that this is over fast.
    It took the Father and three brothers. So sad. Now my Kevan.


    Hugs Jazzy, This disease sucks!!!!!!!!!!!
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeMay 13th 2014
    Oh, how horrible! I can't even begin to imagine this. So sorry.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2014
    Alzheimer's Disease took my sister's father-in-law and all of his brothers. It took my husband's grandmother, aunt, and is now destroying him. Horrible.

    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2014
    Jazzy and joang,

    I am sorry to learn of the multiple tragedies and losses you and your families have endured.

    About 18 months following my husband's death, his father was diagnosed with AD. Unlike my husband, who had FTD, his decline has been slow and steady. His challenges are far more focused on memory than behavior. As I understand it, partially due to this, and partially due to his age, testing has been minimized. This is very different than what happened with my husband; for him the differential dx list was long and his young age complicated everything.

    My husband is survived by three siblings. Two of them have biological children. I wonder if any of his siblings or their children are at increased risk or even yet to be diagnosed.

    Sending prayers.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2014
    In my husband's family - paternal grandmother had AD starting in the 60s. Of their 6 kids, 3 had AD diagnosed in early 60s including my FIL. Of their 3 kids, 2 have EOAD including my husband diagnosed at 59 and his younger sister at 55. Thankfully we had no bio children but his sister has 2 girls and 3 grandchildren all terrified they will get it and terrified for their children.