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    • CommentAuthorabauche
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2014
    has anyone else gone through this? My husband is totally independent in peeing but has a hard time with sitting on the toilet and cannot do it without someone to help him sit. So up to now, he sits am and pm with instruction and has had his bm. Now he will sit for 3 seconds and is up and pulling up pants (nothing in toilet). I can't get him to try again what so ever. He is bolting from the table also with food or a beverage left to drink. Just when I think I have learned how to deal with a behaviour, there is a new one for me to problem solve!
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2014
    eh, went thru this with my DH.I followed someones's suggestion to put a black seat on the toilet and it worked pretty good.When he entered the NH I requested for one to be put on there. It seems a lot of AZpatients have problems with sitting down. I've noticed it with others at the NH.Somewhere I read that they have trouble seeing white.Unfortunately, there will be many new behaviors.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2014
    yes, DH is still at home and won't sit but 3 seconds. We have to implore him to sit back down about every 5 seconds. Haven't tried the black seat but if it works, I'll try it. I wonder why a black toilet seat works?
    • CommentAuthorabauche
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2014
    Where do you find a black toilet seat??
    I just went to and typed "black toilet seat" in the search box at the top and got lots of choices to pick from. Hope this helps.
    Had the same problem with sitting on seat--he would say it was "cold" and hop up. That was during the middle stage, at home. By end stage at the ALF, he would once again sit (with assistance).
    My DH would sit once he was there, but he couldn't turn around and back up to the toilet. He would be half on and half off with poop all over the seat and down the outside and on the floor.
    I must say its actually easier now that he is in a hospital bed and I have to change diapers.