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    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2014
    Happy Easter Everyone!

    Hope the Easter bunny didn't leave to much bunny fluff around your home and you don't OD on chocolate eggs!
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2014
    Happy Easter to you too, Amber! And everyone else who celebrates Easter.....
    I am so thrilled how we celebrate "holidays" together on this site.

    I would not have made it through Christmas without the Lodge.

    Hope we all have a day filled with as much peace and acceptance as we can find. Lets all do something nice for ourselves too.

    I am so grateful to all of you. I join Mim and Amber in saying Happy Easter to those that celebrate it.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2014
    Happy Easter to all as well!! even though we cant get to services we can watch them on Tv and enjoy the music.
    cooking today a load of good food, hoping each of you can find something to enjoy and celebrate today.
    divvi-that is so like you to make the best of a sad situation and encourage others to do the same. I wish all who celebrate a Happy Easter.
    Happy Easter!

    Hope many of you enjoyed your day with your family.

    It seems I work very hard to recreate the perfect holiday. Each timeI am overwhelmed and then disappointed.

    There are so many changes to deal with and holidays seem to magnify my sad feelings.
    Easter this year was really different.My husband was born on Easter Sunday. Then 36 Sundays ( 35 weeks) ago he died and today is his birthday..bittersweet to say the least.