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    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2014
    There is a new clinical trial for insulin nasal spray in the treatment of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease:

    I was encouraged back in 2011 when they presented the first trial results. You can see a video summarizing those results here:

    You can see the printed report here:

    I want DH to get an AMYVID pet scan to find out once and for all if he has Alzheimer’s pathology (he was diagnosed with MCI three years ago and has slowly but steadily progressed; he has refused to see a doctor since then). If the scan is positive – I want him in this trial. He is refusing. This is the worst imaginable irony. DH’s impairments are going to keep him from getting help with his impairments.

    I asked DH to get the pet scan last year when it became available, but he refused. I didn’t argue because there were no medications we would have opted to take anyway. I have never asked him to participate in a drug trial. I’ve studied every drug in development for the last three years and never got excited about any of them.

    But this drug trial changes all that. This drug saw positive results and no negative side effects.

    “I’ve told you - if I have it, I don’t want to know!” he insists. This is so frustrating! I have recruited our sons to lobby him, and am praying that somehow one of them will get through to him.

    The expression often stated on this board - the reasoning button is broken – is so true!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2014
    My husband refused drug trials but it is because he hates having the mental test that reminds him of how much he has lost. I could push and know he would but decided not to do it.
    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2014 edited
    Charlotte, my husband is the same with the tests. He refused recommended re-evalutions for the neuro-psych tests. When we started him on turmeric, he agreed to let me administer a simple picture memory test at home,so that after a time we could repeat it and determine whether the turmeric was helping. He refused to take that test again when the time came.

    I am beyond frustrated over his refusal to get the PET scan! I'm having fantasies of clubbing him over the head and carrying him in for the PET scan. [I'm joking, of course.]