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    how do i access the previous years of the diary? i clicked on it and it will not come up. i want to print them for my 80 yr old dad - mom's caregiver. it is a long and heartbreaking story, but he is her caregiver and will not let anyone help. i could not find an email address to send any messages. they still live in their house. i do all their cooking and freeze portions for dad. my daughters go twice a week to clean. mom and dad used to be very active. now they aren't. their last trip ended in disaster and i picked them up from the airport with mom disoriented and in a wheel chair. dad puts on his happy face and always says everything is ok. he is alone with this. i want him to be able to have some kind of connection somewhere but still have his privacy. he will not hear of help coming in. my daughter pushes him out of the house to get a break when they are there. moving is not an option --- he won't hear of it. if he can read others struggles with the love of their lives, it may help him.
    • CommentTimeApr 7th 2014 edited
    Look into the Alzheimer Association website - for forums that are more appropriate for adult children of Alzheimer patients or join the Facebook group - Memory People, and allow Joan to keep this forum for spouses only.
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    blacksheep, if you'll just click on Gourdchipper above, it will take you to my profile, which includes an email address that I'd respond to. If you wanted to contact me by email, I'd be glad to forward something of a "diary" that I had compiled from some of my earlier posts to this forum. Like your Dad, I was in my seventies and eighties while caring for my wife at home.