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    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2014
    So I'm coming home from watching an NBA playoff game with my friend and his family which is about 100 miles away. And I'm on the highway going faster than I usually do. I was feeling peppy and I was doing about 80mph/130kph and I see this merging ramp with a car and a motorcycle coming on the highway. The motorcycle guy has a gold helmet I notice. Not good.

    I should explain that my driver's license is 6 years expired. I don't know what happened while I had Dianne but it's way out of date and I have avoided it.

    So, the motorcycle with the word POLICE all over it sprints just ahead of me and he looks at me and points his finger down at me. I first mouth "Pardon?" and he waves his finger down again looking back at me. I'm nodding so he can see I get that I'm being pulled over and tuck in behind him to start getting over to the shoulder.

    He keeps going. He's pulling away slowly. He doesn't have his signals or his lights flashing. I stick my hand up to the windshield and wave. I got it. Slow down.

    I was lucky. How about that. Been a while since I really did feel lucky. I still do and am smiling typing this story.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2014
    yes, very lucky Wolf. You best get that license renewed -next time he might not be in a such a generous mood!

    We drove up Cheney and spent the day with the grandkids. Had a good time hiding eggs outside a number of time plus granddaughter hiding for me to find.