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    I guess I reached my limit with my old antidepressant , celexa. It just quit working. I guess my stress has increased, here it is ten yrs I've been dealing with this crazy life. My blood pressure is also rising, my doc doubled the dose on that. I have tried three different antidepressant NYSE that have just made me feel worse. Sertalone or Prozac and two completely new ones. I just feel as if I'm in a fog with this last one, and I have constant diarrhea. I know many of you are on them, any suggestions for one that is wonderful! I'm calling my doc tomorrow.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2014
    Ky, besides the antidepressant are you getting any counseling? Talking is often a good way to release the stress and overwhelming sadness (besides crying).

    I took prozac in the 80s and it was OK - just had a bad side effect of making my shoulder muscles twitch. I started generic for Welbutrin in January. Been OK - I don't loose patience with hb as easily. Otherwise easier to hold my tongue. I am on a low dosage and won't raise it until things get worse.

    Good luck on finding one that works.
    I agree 100% with the suggestion for counseling. Please take that into consideration. And do talk to your doctor about your side effects from your antidepressant. I was first put on Lexapro and could not take that after only 2 reaction was so bad...I am on Sertraline ( Zoloft) and it has been fine. I did have a few side effects at first but none were severe and it has helped so much but more to the point, so has counseling. Too many well meaning friends try so hard to help but they don't have the tools to give us the best suggestions for coping.
    Keep us posted on how you are feeling.
    I have tried counseling, have another appt next week. She's the one ththat suggested I get my antidepressant changed. Not a lotof help yet!thanks for your thoughts!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2014
    it takes a while to build up a rapor with a counselor/therapist. When I went to counseling years ago weekly, the first month was spent laying the foundation, getting to know me. The same when I was doing lay counseling - give it time. And, if this one you do not feel a 'fit' with, do not be afraid to try another one. My opinion: the best counselor for a person is usually the one who has been through it (although there are exceptions).
    This thread is a little dated so not sure how many may see it, but as far as an antidepressant goes, one I never seem to see mentioned is is classified as an antidpressant, however it is like the little wonder drug...I get occasional migraines and use one tablet and it stops mom uses it to help her sleep...I currently have DH on it to help him with his sleeping...I alternate 75mg one night 100mg the next and for the most part it keeps him sleeping through the night and as his overall demeanor is very docile, quiet and agreeable it occurred to me that they may also be helping in that regard...This appears to be a well tolerated medication without alot of the side affects of some of the more serious classes of is also quite least here in Canada...may be worth checking out with your family doctor cuz it seems to me they always want to jump to the more expensive drugs IMO
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2015
    Never heard of it so googled it. It has a lot of side effects mostly dealing with heart, bladder and bleeding issues. Sounds scary to me but I am glad you able to use it without those. It is always nice when we find something that works for us.
    • CommentAuthorLizbeth
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2015
    Amitriptyline (Elavil) has been around for a long time. It is now often used in low doses for nerve pain. I take it around 20 mg for that reason but have to take it at bedtime because it makes me sleepy. I think it is pretty safe for most people unless you have other medical issues. Like Trazadone, to have a therapeutic effect for depression, you have to take a dose like 100 mg. However, most people when they take that much are groggy.

    My DH takes Trazadone and Lexapro. He sleeps great with the Trazadone. My DH started getting depressed about his AD around 2 years ago. I think the Lexapro has helped him a lot. I take Lexapro too. It has been a lifesaver for me. I feel normal taking it. I do not think I could make it through this AD caregiving without it.